









Carterton Vets Tournament February 24 th -27 th 2025
Overall – Ladies
Gross –
1st – Joanne Wilton-Eadie, Foxton,
2 nd Mary Isaac, Paraparaumu,
3rd Cynthia Luckham, Rangitikei
Net –
1st Dale Fayen, Carterton,
Sue Faulke Boulcott Farm,
3rd Cythnia Luckham – Rangitikei
Stableford –
1st Sue Faulke, Boulcott Farm,
2nd Dale Fayen, Carterton,
3rd Robyn Saulbrey, Levin
Overall – Men
Gross –
1st Peter Rankin, Manor Park,
2nd Corey MacMillan, Levin,
3rd David Wills, Carterton
Net –
1st Terry Price,
2nd David Wills, Carterton,
3rd Craige Burt, Carterton
Stableford –
1st Michael Cole, Carterton,
2nd Terry Price, Carterton,
3rd Nic Craig, Carterton


We only had 36 players, yet they all enjoyed themselves at a well presented tournament.  Castlecliff is always welcoming and you feel like you are a friend, not just a guest. The hard work put in by Rodney, ensured we had a wonderful time.  it all ran like clockwork.  The course provided some challenges with a lot of run in places and then we had some of the local wind on day two.  We also enjoyed a meal on the Monday evening.

Phil Daley (now known as The Brut – just ask him) won the Golf Encounters lucky draw.

Castlecliff results

Central & Southern Hawkes Bay

Mount Maunganui

2025 Metlifecare NZVets


80 players played in a tournament generously sponsored by Arvida Te Puna Wairoa; in 5 division of matchplay.

Glen Roberts (Maranui) had a great day on Tuesday with a Hole in One on the 13th.



After 3 days of fantastic weather and playing(116 entries) on a golf course in great condition here are the results of the tournament.

Mens Pairs Winners 

1st G Dorward and M Middleton

2nd B. Martin Hendrie and Barry Whiteley

3rd L. Barron and J Marsh

Ladies Pairs Winners 

1st B. Ellingford and G. Broomhall

2nd Z. Baguley-Skayman and D. Rumney

3rd D Day and S. Gee

A big thankyou to Omokoroa Country Estate and the Golf Warehouse for their sponsorship. Photos sent separately

Regards Ian Howells Omokoroa Vets Golf Secretary


Northland 3 course

128 players played 3 courses over he three days.  Whangarei; Sherwood and Northern Wairoa.   The weather was warm and dry and the courses all played well.   Caryl Scott; with Margaret; Hugh and Murray, plus other volunteers all ensured we enjoyed our days of golf.

Hiro Kawade shot and 82, a fantastic score for an 83 year old.

The Golf Encounters prizes went to Diane Meyer and Im Hee Kim


3 course challenge results - Northland 12-14 Feb 2025


A very successful tournament was held at the Taumarunui Golf club. 120 players enjoyed a great course with “hot” playing conditions, in spite of a foggy start.  74 men and 46 women played.   Property Brokers were th main sponsor.  Kay Walker was able to present the prizes.

Special thanks to all the volunteers.  Special thanks to the green keeper and his group of helpers.   Also to Terry Kay and his team, Mike Gavan, Vets President and Jo Beggs for the cards, Julie in the office and the results team.  They all worked tirelessly to ensure we had a wonderful time.   A  superb  meal, included in our entry fee, complete with dessert, was an absolute treat.  A team lead by Eileen Kay, club members and 3 from Mount Maunganui club assisted. It was a genuine please to see what can be accomplished with a great team of  volunteers.

It was a tough field with many low handicappers playing, which made for some exciting competition.  The Warkworth/Omaha contingent of 20 or so players helped created an competitive yet fun atmosphere.

Congratulations to our winners;

Carolyn Cressey and Andrew Markman

The Forgotten Railway trip was won by John and Linda Rae.

Golf Encounters lucky draw Jeff Timms; Kevin Couper; Richard Chapman.



A very friendly group of 43 players enjoyed 3 days at Whakatane.  The team that supported Jonah did an excellent job, their hard work was appreciated .  The course was presented in wonderful  condition, with greens that were superb. Our thanks to the greens staff and volunteers. On Thursday; there was an evening ‘down the road’ where the attendees enjoyed sharing their adventures of the day and a BBQ meal.   Special thanks to Morris for his Kumera and ginger cheesecake!

The Mick Tee Family Trust were the sponsors of this tournament Mick was an valued member of the club for 46 years, he was also a very keen support  of Vets golf.

The Golf Encounters Lucky draws were: Diane Mallett and Mark Hussay.

NZVGA Whakatane 54 Hole Tournament January 2025




Results was last modified: March 12th, 2025 by Antony

Nationals held at Castlecliff

What a brilliant week for the 134 players we had at the 70th Nationals held at Castlecliff (Wanganui) this week.  Interesting note: there were 11 players who played in the 2015 Castlcliff Nationals.

Congratulations to this years Champions;  Caroline Cressey and Alan Fayen.  *official photos to come

The weather started off in glorious sunshine, then threw in a couple of days of wind and light rain,  just remind us we were playing on a Links style course.  Leaving us perfect playing condition on the Friday to create happy memories.

Our thanks go to: Our sponsor Aotea Trust and to Mitre 10.

To Rodney – the Face of the Club; Organiser/Manager extraordinaire.  The Castlecliff Committee; Volunteers and Greens staff: Craig and Lockey ; along with the other helpers ensured we attended a well organised and well run event.   To Alana, the photographer for hew wonderful photos.

The Bar staff ensured we were well watered and the Caterer; Darlene and team; went above and beyond with ensuring we had a magnificent spread at the meet and greet on Monday, as well as a beautiful meal on the Wednesday.

Peter Bannister turned 88 this week, as well as being the Flight 3 winner in the Intermediate Division.

To create a bit of competition on the side – the ‘campers’ had a decoration competition.   Congratulations go to Caroline and Simon, with TK coming 2nd.  Honorable mentions to the Verry’s and Greame Butler.

The official photos will be on the Nationals gallery page.

Winners names 2024Monday results


Congratulation to the winning pair:  Diane and Ross Wright, from Waipu

A well deserved win in a field of 64 pair contesting for the trophy .  I heard there were some very close games.



Omokoroa November 3Day Mixed Pairs Tournament Results

There were 8 Groups of 8 pairs in each group competing in the tournament

The Group A winners also won the Shergold Trophy

Group A Winners    Dianne & Ross Wright

Group B Winners    Nyree & Graham Dorward

Group C Winners    Faye Rowe & Daryl Beard

Group D Winners    Suzanne Lange & Bob Duckworth

Group E Winners    Rae & Ross Milne

Group F Winners    Sherie & Tim Reehal

Group G Winners   Glenda & Graham Street

Group H Winners    Judy & Bruce Lewer


A very generous sponsor ensured a successful event.  Our thanks to the volunteers and especially to RV Services and Latitude 37 Caravans.

80 players enjoyed the challenge of the “Trains” Planes” and “Drains” course as it was presented in championship condition.  Many were surprised at how low the aircraft were on landing and take off.  Some admitted that this was an exciting moment in their game as it was their first time on the Tauranga area playing golf.   The hospitality and organisation made for a very successful tournament.

Hopefully we will get more players to participate next year.

Congratulations to our Winners:

Bob Perkins Div 1, Ian Dobise Div 2;

Carol Cullen Div 1,  Jeanette Kerr Div 2

The Golf Encounters Lucky Draws went to Dave Dunbar and Dominic Morris.

Omanu 2's_20241113_0001Omanu MenOmanu Women


Taupo Vets ran the PaK N Save tournament very professionally.  At the registration meet and greet; Taupo Vets President; Dick Fraser, showed (with great pride) his trophy from 2005.  This was won at the Taupo Vets 50th tournament and he was very proud to have been the winner.

39 Women and 64 men competed for the prizes.  It was good to see the campers are starting to travel around again.

Richard Tippett was the winner of Div 1, he had to play an extra 3 holes to achieve this resulst.

One of the best results of the week was Marie Roberts, on Tuesday,  getting a Hole in 1 on the 18th at Centennial.  Congratulations Marie.

Taupo Men MatchplayTaupo Women Stableford


97 players from 36 clubs enjoyed 3 days of golfing.  Very generously sponsored by The haircare Market.    Each player received a goodie bag.

The volunteers and staff presented the whole event in a very professional manner.  The course played very well.  The organisation ran like clockwork.  All in all a wonderful tournament.

Ngaruawahia Mens gross both divNgaruawahia Mens Nett both divNgaruawahia Mens STB both divNgaruawahia Mens two'sNgaruawahia Women GrossNgaruawahia Womens nettNgaruawahia Womens STBNgaruawahia womens two's

Poverty Bay

59 Players thoroughly enjoyed wonderful weather and a course in great playing condition; in spite of being recently cored.   Our thanks go to the Club and all the volunteers for their effort in ensuring we enjoyed ourselves.

The hospitality was up to its usual high standard, with players enjoying a meal on the Sunday evening, complete with dessert!  The to top it off, when you came in from your game, each group received a platter of food to enjoy in the clubhouse.

Due to sponsorship by Rymans, the prize table was very generous, with many players receiving good quality shoes as prizes.  Even the 2’s prize was a sleeve of balls for each 2.

There were several “new” to us players and they vowed to return next year and bring a friend!

Poverty Bay Match playPoverty Bay 2024

Sherwood Park

Our thanks to Maungatapere GAS for their continued sponsorship for this event.  It was also a good excuse to play before they host the nationals next year.

Peter Harding – President thanks everyone for their hard work in preparing the tournament. Special thanks to Beryl and  Terene for their continued efforts.  Northland is always worth a visit.

Sherwood Park 2024

Northern Wairoa

After a very gusty and wet day 1 4 players managed to enjoy a great meal and entertainment.   Day 2 was lovely especially as the top score was a 42 points.

The Kumera for getting a “2” was very very much appreciated.


Clarks Beach

106 players were treated to a course presented in wonderful condition. The rain 10 days prior ensured green fairways and challenging greens.

One very pleased player must b Mike Johansen for his Hole in One.

Thanks to the volunteers and team from the club for a great tournament. The kitchen put on a filling meal for the players and the entertainment was a good as ever.

Here are the winners for the divisions.   Full results to come.



60 players enjoyed playing in the 97th Vets tournament.

The whole event was professional organised by a team of volunteers.  It is a credit to the club the work that Mary and the team do to ensure we appreciate their course.  The 3 days of good weather ensure some very good matches.

The meet and greet was as popular on the Monday evening.

Photos to come.

97th Annual Rotorua Veteran's Tournament Results


Another successful tournament at Turangi.  Generously sponsored by Pro Drive for the 63 players.  John Marshall donated the novelty prizes.

The Quiz night (Sponsored by Kaye Paulger)  on the Tuesday prior to the games was as lot of fun.  Thanks to Suzie Lang and John Solly for hosting and the questions.

Wednesday was cold clear and a bit windy, however the meal afterwards was wonderful.  Thanks to John and helpers.  Special thanks to Kevin Southee for doing the dishes afterwards.  Thursday was wet and cold!!  Those that persevered enjoyed a respite after 2 hours and the weather dried out.




The Ryman Jane Winstone Village-sponsored event was played at the Marton, Rangatikei, Belmont and Castlecliff Golf Clubs from September 9 to 13. Strong winds greeted players at the Marton, Rangatikei and Belmont courses with only a ‘light’ breeze to challenge golfers at Castlecliff. The large field of 108 was grateful there was no rain during the week. In fact, the best calm and sunny weather was experienced on Wednesday – the rest day. Players from all over the North Island – with a good representation from north of Auckland – enjoyed the Taranaki hospitality and the courses which were presented in fine shape.
Division 1 men’s winner was Wanganuui local Jit Gaudan with a combined stableford score of 138; division 2 was won by Ngaruawahia’s Garry Pollard (132) and Division 3 by another Wanganui player Robert Pryde (140).
Mt Maunganui golfer Caren Van Dermeys took out the women’s Div 1 and regular entrant Jenny Chenn, from Whitford, topped the women’s division 2 field. All prize winners were congratulated and presented with their Mitre 10 vouchers by the sponsor’s representative Francis Quirk.
Wanganui 4 course classic


Only 13 hardy players played, unfortunately Otaki was cancelled due to bad weather.  The weather report was not good for the Levin tournament, which caused many players to withdraw.  The curse did hold up well.  It was good that the player had the opportunity to play Levin and support the local area.

Instead for running a 4 day event, the club gave out daily cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and third, plus closest to the pin.  Kerry Allen thoroughly enjo9yed his first visit to Levin.


Coromandel Coastal Classic



Paeroa was a resounding success.  84 players enjoyed perfect weather, as evidenced by the pictures of the golf course and the sunset.

The winners ere Gary Verner and Richard Baker on 117, the runner up was Ronnie Bell and Terry Williams in 116.

Paeroa 2024

Gold Coast

We dodged the bulk of the bad weather, enabling us to play 8 different courses on the Gold Coast.  We were based in Coolangatta which treated us magnificent views and wonderful beach walks.  Our trip out was on the Tweed River cruise.  Not only was the trip relaxing; the lunch was a wonderful sample of local foods, complete with prawns.



Congratulations to the overall winners: 

John Solly (Turangi)  and Suzie Lang (Turangi)  

Daily Winner were:

Coolangatta Tweed – West Course:  Ken Dixon and  Deb Clark

Murwillumbah: Don Hegh and Kerry Pevy

Links Hope Island: John Solly and Suzie Lang

Palmer Gold: Graeme Harrison and  Elaine Hegh

Royal Pines: Allan Fayan and Marilyn Harrison

Lakelands: Hugh Clark and Dale Fayen

Palm Meadows: Ian Duncalf and Jan McVerry

The Glades:  Morris Allen and Barb Duncalf

Sunshine Coast

I will rub it in; and say; we had wonderful warm playing days on the Golf Encounters Sunshine Coast trip. Saw the kangaroos and local wild life, enjoyed the beaches and the Hinterland with an outing to Eumundie Markets and then off to Montville.  Even ‘Barefoot Bowls’ was played by quite a few on a day off from golfing.

There was a group of 28 players, playing 8 courses – walking off the courses with not a mark on your shoes!!   Players from Christchurch to Northland.

Using a Tournament scouring system meant that everyone was competitive on the day.  Be it the single figure golfers to those that were playing with a more social handicap. At each game, the winner of the day, man and women,  chose a shirt of their choice from one of the clubs we played.   You could only win one shirt, so there were a lot of happy golfers.  The green hat was presented to the player with the best score on the day to acknowledge their expertise.

Congratulations to the overall winners: 

Glenn Roberts (Napier)  and Liz Banton (Pupuke) 

Daily Winners are:

Noosa Springs:  Lloyd Banton and Michele Wedekind

Maleny:  Glenn Roberts and Liz Banton

Noosa – Tewantin:  Steve Hinton and Sally Beets

Pelican Waters: Andre Beets and Victoria Roberts

Twin Waters: Howard Wedekind and Janice Grant

Palmer Coolum: Susie Hwang and Michael Prendergast

Maroochy River: Jenny McDonald and David Aitkin

Beerwah: Morris Allen and Jan Aitkin



Kapiti Coast Classic


 What a great tournament, with some challenging game played

Four Wins:

Jeff Timms      Peter Bannister          Paul Shipman     Tipene Kennedy           Valerie Hancox

 Three Wins:

John Solly      Gerald Ponsford         Dermot Martin     Nigel Blair

Rob Ashby      John Han                    Glen Mitchell         Charles Brown

David Buckell      John Fluker         Phil Stevenson   Russell Longuet

Peter Nicholls     Brian Chapman            Jim Bassett

Sue Faulke           Sue Martin             Shona Lee               Ilene Wilson

Jenny Bennett    Kathryn Mensch     Olive Tutaki         Charmaine Fluker

Te Awamutu

An absolute treat to see Kerry Jensen at the the club to greet us all as we checked in.

There was heavy rain prior o Day 1, Day 2 we were presented with a course that had drained well.   Well Done to the greens staff , along with Murray H, Gemma, Alan and John.

There were 72 players, playing in 3 divisions.

The 3 winners were: Karen Campton, Ross Munter and Allan Duncan


With James R Hill sponsoring this pairs event, the players received daily prizes and overall prizes.  The 96 players played Best Stableford on day 1, Combined on day 2.  Mark Reinsfield spoke on behalf of the sponsor and entertained us to ensure we all left laughing.

A foggy start presented a beautiful day.   The greens were stunning!! Well done Scotty.

Happy Winners:   Steve Law and Guy Livingstone



Pirongia 2'sPirongia Final resultsPirongia results Day 1Pirongia results day 2

Taranaki 4 course

Photo winners with sponsors representative.
From left to right, Division 3: Maureen Cornwallis and Kevin Southee
Division 2: Sally Morch and Bernie Keegan
Division 1: Maureen Giles and Trevor Schroder
And Martin Hook, Village Manager, Summerset Pohutakawa, Bell Block New Plymouth.
There are also a couple of photos from our last day at Inglewood.  A very successful tournament with 53 mixed pairs starting on Tuesday. Everyone got a prize and over $2800 given out in our final raffle drawn on Friday.  Weather was kind to us with a short sharp shower on day 2 the only rain of the week. However, it threatened several other times but never eventuated.


THE WAIHI VETS ANNUAL TWO-DAY SOMMERSET TOURNAMENT was held on Monday and Tuesday last week. This popular tournament with major sponsors, Sommerset by The Sea, and Craigs Investment Partners attracted a field of eighty players, with visitors competing from 16 other clubs.
On Monday early drizzle thankfully cleared away to a fine day, but some heavy overnight and morning rain on Tuesday changed the conditions, with the summer run all but being eliminated, and the scores being subsequently lower. The tournament was played in three divisions, and thanks to the sponsors and the generosity of many local businesses an impressive prize table was on offer.

 The trophies and prizes were presented by  Fiona Nelson from Summerset by the Sea, one of the clubs major sponsors.

The overall top players were for the men Alex Standfield with a total nett of 144, while the best Lady was Rachel Yoo (Paeroa) with 140 nett. In Division One Nett, Alex Standfield was first, with Daryll Denyer R/u. Division Two, Rachel Yoo (Paeroa) 1 st , Denise Morgan R/u. Division Three, Adrienne
Lynch 1 st , Sharon Deacon R/u. The Stableford results were, Division One, Anke Hermannsdorfer 1 st , Allen Smith R/u. Division Two, Kaylene Crocker 1 st , Baxter Fagan (Taupo) R/u. Division Three, Barbara Handley (Tieke) 1 st , Eddie Bruce R/u.

Many thanks to Rodger Bagshaw and the team that created a great tournament.

Waihi 2 Day Vets-STB results


Another small field, yet everyone felt welcome and thoroughly enjoyed playing.   The weather held off until the final day, then there were strong winds and a shower.

The very generous sponsorship from TSB Trust and Aotea Trust ensured that all players received a prize.

Here are the major winners.






It was really wonderful to be back playing Stratford again.  Whilst the numbers playing was disappointing, everyone that played said they would defiantly return next year.

We were made to feel very welcome and they presented the course in magnificent condition.   Even the weather was on our side.  The hospitality was outstanding – we even had the traditional Pot Luck Dinner.  Special thanks must go the the 3 Amigos for doing the dishes.  Phil Daley, Ross Townsend and Norman Lofthouse.

The distribution of the prizes was a bit different from the usual.  Each day, there were many  prizes given out in each division.  Then on the final day – the prizes went to the Best Gross, Nett, and Stableford in each division

The Winners

Here are the full  results


The team at Castlecliff presented a course in wonderful condition AND two days of sunshine and no wind!  What more did you want for a preparation for the Nationals.

There were 72 players, who enjoyed the event and want to return next year.

We enjoyed a great meal on the Thursday evening – even had apple crumble for desert.

Ladies Overall
1st Julie Steel 77
2nd Launa Seddon 71
3rd Lyn Speer 70
4th Maureen Giles 68 c/b
5th Raewyn Glover 68
6th Raewyn Gordon 67
7th Fay Rowe 66 c/b

Mens Div 1 (0-18.2)
1st Antz Larkin 74
2nd Joshua Yang 72
3rd Bill Steel 70 c/b
4th Chris Neilsen 70
5th Pat Gray 69 c/b
6th John Saulbery 69
7th Ross Townley 67

Mens Div 2 (18.3+)
1st Jeff Faulke 75
2nd John Barker 72 c/b
3rd Alby Bron 72
4th Mike Strickett 71 c/b
5th Chris Bristol 71
6th Alan Allsworth 69
7th Phil Daley 68



Carterton 2024

Bay of Islands - Kerikeri

An exciting week was had by 88 players with the 4BBB Stableford mixed pairs matchplay!   Some of the starters found it a challenge with the format, however by day 2, everyone was in full competition mode – or fun mode, depending on the pairings.

Here is a photo  each divisions winning pair – along with Phil Dyer and his hole in one trophy.   i guess his pairing won the hole!


Will add details when I receive them.

Northland 3 course

A very generous prize table was enjoyed by 113 players from all over the north island. The 3 courses, Whangarei, Sherwood Park and Northern Wairoa each presented their own challenges.

Results to come



All of the 109 players had two days of sunshine and one of showers.  The course was in wonderful condition, especially considering the 7 hours of torrential rain that the course had on Sunday – we had a few puddles to contend with, other than that we would not have known.  Property Brokers continued to be the sponsor of this event .

Special thanks must go to the team of volunteers that ensured were were well fed, we were watered, teed off and  the course prepared for us.  A special highlight was the meal (mains and dessert!) on Thursday evening.

Winners –

3 course challenge results - Northland 7-9 Feb 2024




Results was last modified: March 12th, 2025 by Antony

Nationals at Whakatane


DARRYL BAIRD our 2023 Men’s Champion,

with Andrew Markman as runner up.

CAROLINE CRESSEY  is the 2023 Woman’s Gross Champion 

There are numerous photos and information on the Nationals Page.

Senior Reserve                   Trevor Fisher        Runner up    Craig Purcell
Intermediate                      Kevin Southee           ”                 Waka Mika
      ”            Reserve           Alan McGhie             ”                  Bruce Peters
Junior                                 Phillip Gilbert            ”                 Gary Pellett
   ”            Reserve              Paddy Keegan             ”               Trevor Schroder

Full Results posted soon

  2023 NZVGA Monday Trophy Winners  

Past Presidents Trophy (Best Gross over the field)               John Solly

Don Stubbing Trophy (Best Nett over the field)                    James Braidford

Rex Bridge Trophy      Best Gross (70 years + Diehards)      Peter Hitchcock

Henry Ahrens Memorial Trophy       Best Nett ( 70 years + – Diehards)         Richard Tippett

NZVGA Best Gross (80 years + Extra Diehards)                      Brian Dunn

NZVGA Best Nett (80 years + Extra Diehards)                        Robin McGhie

Trust Bank Trophy – Teams Event

Senior                 Craig Purcell

Intermediate    Myke Durnley

Junior                 Robin McGhie

Senior (Best Nett Score)                                 Darryl Baird

Senior Reserve  (Best Nett Score)               Brian Ross

Intermediate (Best Nett  Score)                   Kevin Gibb

Intermediate Reserve (Best Nett Score)   Paul Shipman

Junior (Best Nett  Score)                                Mike Skinner

Junior Reserve (Best Nett  Score)               Trevor Schroder

Mens Gross_ Mens Nett_ Mens Stblfd_


Winners names 2023

Poverty Bay

What an absolute treat to end the calendar year on.  Complete with a huge cruise ship as backdrop to the golf course.  Everyone of the 61 players; that that attended; thoroughly enjoyed themselves in the sunshine.  he men played Matchplay and the women Gross, Nett, Stableford.

The road conditions to get to the course were good, it was still a shock to see the devastation that had be wrought earlier in the year, however pleasing to see the extent of their hard work to recover.

Not only had the hard working team of volunteers, led by Colin Christie,  ensured that we felt welcome and kept up to date with what was happening. They also included; in the entry fee; a dinner – which was wonderful and complete with sticky date pudding for dessert, to top that off, we all received a patter each day after golf!

The course was presented in pristine condition and the prize table; thanks to Dave Keown; was up to its usual very high standard.   Our thanks to the caterer, bar, greens and office staff, along with Carol; the Manager; and Dave and Sklyer in the shop.

Next year – make sure you get your entry in early – as after this experience, I am certain that we will have more entries next year.

Here are the winners:


25 clubs were represented by the 84 players that enjoyed the Omanu course, that was presented in magnificent condition.   Many of the visitors were amazed at how low the aircraft were

RV Mega were the very generous sponsor, and many of the players had a good look at them.  Hopefully we will get some more ‘campers’ at our events in the future.



62 males

23 Females

Results were: Winners

Match Play

Division 1 Men’s    John Solly   Turangi

Division 2 Men’s    Gordon Grant  Te Aroha

Division 3 Men’s    Allan Allsworth  Mahunga

Division 4 Men’s   Allen Forrest  Porangahau

Women Stableford

Division 1  Alison Timms Napier

Division 2  Patricia Holt  Shandon

Taupo Veteran Golfers Society


The Haircare Market 3 Day Tournament

Ngaruawahia Golf Club        October 24th – October 26th

We had a great field of 84 players from 22 different golf clubs.

There were three divisions, one Women and two Men’s

The tournament format was Gross, Nett and Stapleford event.

The weather was a mixed bag, Day one was fine and sunny. Day two, a rain delay of an hour, ensured players remained dry. and finally windy conditions on day three. These conditions tested the playing skills of the players, so congratulations to the overall winners.

The course was great, we are sure the all players would have appreciated the efforts of our green staff.

Our sponsors, The Haircare Market, provided a gift pack for all participants


Men’s overall Winners   

Gross:            Terry Tapp              245     Clarks Beach GC

Nett:              Paul Barlow             206     Ngaruawahia GC

Stab:              Barry Stenberg        209     The Pines GC

Women Division Winners

Gross:            Raewyn Te Moni    266.    Ngaruawahia GC

Nett:              Leslie Hatcher         214.    Ngaruawahia GC

Stab:              Karen Tapp               109.    Clarks Beach GC


Longest Putt Hole 18 Day 3

Kia Car for weekend                      Diane Moressey      Stratford GC

Winner photos attached.

The Haircare Market Tournament NZVGA Report 2023

Ngaruawahia Oct 2023 Women StablefordNgaruawahia Oct 2023 Women NettNgaruawahia Oct 2023 Women GrossNgaruawahia Oct 2023 Men Div 2 StablefordNgaruawahia Oct 2023 Men Div 2 NettNgaruawahia Oct 2023 Men Div 2 GrossNgaruawahia Oct 2023 Men Div 1 StablefordNgaruawahia Oct 2023 Men Div 1 Nett

Sherwood Park

Maungatapere Gas and Dairy Sherwood Park Vets 2 day tournament.

87 players at Sherwood, enjoyed 2 days of great golf and were spoilt in having Pam as the same sponsor for so many years.  Also to have her presenting the prizes again this year. We had many regular players as well as some “new to the group”  The course was presented to its usual high standard. Our thanks go to the volunteers and staff that ensured we had a successful tournament.  Everyone had worked so hard to make our games enjoyably. The weather was kind too, and we enjoyed some spring warmth.  Pleasing to see some motorhomers coming back to the circuit.


Gross and trophy winner: Julian McCree 151 points
Gross runner up: Gary Webb
Nett winner: Russell Le Prou  139 points
Nett runner up: Patrick Buckley
Stableford winner: Dave Barrell 73 points
Stableford runner up: Ashley Lye
Gross and trophy winner: Ann Hathaway 176 points
Gross runner up: Cath Clark
Nett winner: Barbara Barrell: 140 points
Nett runner up: In Hee Kim
Stableford winner: Terene Campbell: 73 points
Runner up: Jenny Parkinson


Northern Wairoa

A fantastic 2 days, on a course known for its friendliness and hospitality, was topped off by a wonderful 2 course meal and a musician that encouraged some of the group to take to the dance floor.  The greens were in championship condition and the course would be one of the best kept secrets in golf.

The tournament was played as “1 Division” and it resulted on a mixture of men and women winners.

Congratulations to Glenys McEvoy for here great Nett score of 141, Stapleford 75.  and also to Ron West who also scored 141 and 75.

Full results to come.


The Golf Encounters Lucky Draw went to: Paul Johns and Colleen West.


Everyone of the 61 players got a prize at the Waiuku tournament and they were good prizes too.  The club were so pleased to have us on their course, especially as we had to cancel last year.  The price of cart hire was only $20, so the players were really happy with that too.  Many players said that they are going to return next year. The course was in superb condition and everyone commented on the good work being done by the greens team. The greens were fluffy – but true.


The Golf Encounters lucky draw went to: Paul Gravestock and Bruce Alder.

Clarks Beach

However I can tell you all that we had a wonderful tournament, with 112 players who valiantly battled the wind on Monday to produce some great results.  The weather was kinder on the Tuesday, perhaps that was due to the wonderful meal we had on the Monday evening.

Special thanks to the  greens staff; the volunteers; sponsors and the teams that enable us to enjoy a couple of days golfing.

The nearest the Pins winners all received $100 for their efforts – how is that for having such generous sponsors.  2’s were also worth getting.

The Golf Encounters lucky draws went to: Janet Stewart and Judy Thompson


Ladies 2 Day Vets Results (1)Clarks Beach Mens 2 Day Vets Results


It is a real achievement to have us play the 96th Rotorua Veterans’ Golfers tournament; it was thoroughly enjoyed by 64 players.  Special thanks to Mary and her team, along with the greens staff, caterer and bar staff.   They turned on the best weather in 20 years!!  The match play, in groups of 8, ensured that there were a very generous supply of prizes, donated by One Foundation.  many vowing to be back next year.

There was the traditional meet and greet on the Monday evening, which enabled us to catch up with friends.


The Golf Encounetrs luck draw went to David Glyde and Karen Tapp.

Rotorua 96th Veterans Tournament Prize Results 2023


What a great couple of days.  Starting with a Quiz night on the Tuesday evening. With the warmth of the fire in the background there was a competitive air and lots of laughter.   Thanks to Kaye Paulger for her sponsorship of the prizes and Suzie Lang for the questions.

A cold day, enhanced by the strong wind led to some low scoring on the Wednesday,  However the meal after the game made it all worth while – thanks to the great work by the kitchen volunteers.

Thursday saw the 73 golfers enjoying a course presented n wonderful condition.  Generally everyone enjoyed the tournament and are planning to return next year.   There were so many favorable comments about the organisation , friendliness and organisation.  It is a credit to a small club to present such a fun event.


Wanganui 4 course

93 players attended at Marton, Rangitikei, Wanganui and Castlecliff.  Thanks again to the consistent sponsorship from the Jane Winstone Village, and the Mitzubishi Motor company.  We had 5 divisions with the winners being:

Div 1 men: Axel Hansen

Div 2 men: Colin Vincent

Div 3 men: Simon Mitchell

Div 1 women: Bev Hansen

Div 2 women: Stella Berendt

The weather held and it was wonderful to see so many campers attending.   It seems that the past 3 years are becoming a memory and that the players are getting out and about.

The Golf Encounters lucky draws went to: Helen Beaurepaire, Melinda Wheeler and Judy Lewer.

Wanganui 4 course


A small group played on a course that had greens that were beautiful.  The club had spent a lot of time, taking our trees, putting in a lake and generally working on improvements.  The organisation ensured that we had a good time and were so generous that everyone got a prize.  So a BIG thank you to the staff and volunteers.

The winners were: June Churchill, r/up Launa Seddon;  and David Buckell with John Solly r/up.




78 players enjoyed playing Paeroa.  I have heard nothing but good reports back about the tournament.  Than you Colin Anderson, and team,  for all you hard work in ensuring that we had a successful event.  Your club is always welcoming and encourages  all to return next year.

Many many thanks to Mark Reinsfield of R J Hill for his ongoing sponsorship of our some of our Waikato events.  Even better that he enjoys playing on them too.

Winners Dave & Julie Flett – well done team!






The welcoming; and always well organised team at Otaki ensured that we had a wonderful time at the tournament.  Lorraine McLeavey was always on hand to ensure that everything ran smoothly.  Full credit goes to the greens staff and volunteers for presenting a course in excellent condition.

Special thanks to John Fluker, who has consistently sponsored and supported this tournament. Apparently he supported the Vets during Covid too.  Many thanks John, and Charmaine too.  they ensured that everyone got a prize.

Due to the small field, it was decided to have a friendly game, just to get familiar with the course, as we haven’t been able to play  in the past few years. It was cold and wet! however the few hardy players fought to the bitter end to win a chocolate bar… it was a big one, so worth winning.  According to Adriane Bolster and Ross Townley.   The rest of the week was matchplay  in groups of 8.

Div 1 winners Geoff Brooks and Fiona McBride

Div 2 winners Bill Tangney and Nancy Andrews

Div 3 winners Adriane Bolster and Ross Townley        photos to come.






Sunshine Coast

The Golf Encounters trip was a resounding success.  Thank you Peter for arranging it for us.  Wonderful weather, great company and some interesting golf!  It really was a relaxed and fun group.  All like minded and wanting to enjoy games of golf and outing in the warmth.   A lot of us went bowling on our free day- now that was definably hilarious…. looks easy! believe me it is not!

Great group!

We were playing our own version of handicapping, created some great matches.

We played Palmer Coolum, saw the dinosaurs on the 10th hole, along with a lot of lost balls.  Suzie Hwang and Ken Dixon were the daily winners.  Generally comments were that it was a tough course to start on.

Caloundra. A peaceful course, with local bird life.    Elaine Hegh and Joseph Hwang being the daily winners.

Beerwah – a wonderful; almost local; type club.  Lots of birds and kangaroos. Lloyd Banton and Jenny McDonald winning the day.  Although I think the pro shop was a winner with the amount of shopping people did.

Noosa (TeWantin) was another course where we managed to find water. It must have suited Sharyn Buchanan and Charlie McDonald.

A welcome trip to Eumundi markets and then off to Noosa for a day out.

Twin Waters was an absolute favourite amongst the 27 players.   Even more so for John Solly and Suzie Lang.

Maroochi River was tough, challenging links style.  The course was tamed by Morris Allen and Cyndy Dean.  They must have been relaxed and thinking of the pot luck BBQ evening we had planned.  It was wonderful that Peter Cox and Marion were able to join us.   Just as well we had a free day on the Tuesday.

Maleney was a popular choice, the 1st hole being a drop par 3.  So that set the day for fun and laughter.  Gordon and Janice Grant were the day winners.

Final game was at Noosa Springs – just stunning.  What a great finishing course, especially for Don Hegh and Pam Upchurch.

We concluded with a beautiful meal on the Friday evening, before we all went our different ways.

Many 0f the group commenting that they were wanting to join us in the Gold  Coast next year, as well as doing the Sunshine Coast again. So watch the website for updates.

The overall winners were Susie and Joseph Hwang.

Daily winners

General photos

Te Awamutu

It was very pleasing to have 2 days of golf on a course that was presented in magnificent conditions.   The weather has been tough, yet the course played well.  74 players from all parts of the country took part.

The team did a wonderful job to ensure that we had a successful tournament, especially in light of the unfortunate illness that struck Kerry Jensen, leaving the team to host he event.  We send our best wishes to Kerry and his family.

The Golf Encounters lucky draws went to:  Geoff Robertson and Julie Flett.


Te Awamutu Results Mens Stableford Div 1 & 2TeAwamutu Gross Men & WomenTeAwamutu Results Women Stableford Div 1 & 2


The Waikato fog lifted each day to ensure 94 players had a successful tournament.   The very generous sponsorship from James R Hill ensured that there were plenty of prizes to go round.  32 shirts and PakNSave vouchers along with wine for the novelty prizes.

The hard working team , provided everyone with a delicious morning tea to start the day, and made sure there were plenty of raffles for those that did not have a good game of golf.

The overall winners were John Mohn and Raewyn MacMahon.

The Golf Encounters lucky draws went to:  Tony Webber, Pete Morris, Malcolm Green and Bruce Caswell.

Pirongia MondayPirongia Overall, 2's etcPirongia Tuesday


36th Manukorihi Veterans Tournament

Again, this week has been very enjoyable and the weather behaved which is always something as an organizer has no control over.  I love running this tournament each year and seeing a lot of familiar faces.

The field this year came from all over the North Island and Eddie from the South Island. Again, with late cancellations it was a huge task trying to find fill ins.  Thanks to those who helped us out.  The field had 8 clubs from Taranaki, 20 clubs around the North Island and 1 from the South Island.   We had 13 new pairs so welcome and hope you enjoyed our format. 23 Manukorihi members played this year.

A huge demand for carts this year with us having to source from outside the club.  Huge thanks to the club members that let us use their personal carts.

Thanks to all the volunteers that helped with cards, starting, results and raffles.  The bar staff over the week and all that helped leading up to our week.  The tasks like caravan and cart signs and getting the gardens looking beautiful are just a few jobs that are required.  Everything put together makes a successful tournament.

Our club is very lucky to have Rochelle as our caterer.  Very spoilt with the choice we have each day at the high level that she presents.  The night meals this year were a great success. Thank you.

Huge thankyou to all that played this week and hope you all had a good week and enjoyed your matches.

Winners for 2023

Group A      Geoff Peters and Pauline Davidson

Group B       Dave and Jo McCrea

Group C       Terry Butler and Fay Rowe


Apart from a little rain late on the third day,golfers were blessed with sunshine on the well prepared Waitara “Airedale” links. The attendance by visitors from various areas of the north island was pleasing , with mobile accommodation areas being fully utilised.
A first day feature was the excellent  round by Kristine Gasgoine which saw her with a commanding lead which she maintained to win the ladies section.
it was a happy tournament and thanks to all participants, we look forward to hosting you all next year.

Mens Best Gross: John Solly.
Mens Best Nett: Albert Hodgkinson
Best Net 65 – 70yrs.  John Mohn
Best Nett under 65 yrs: Richard Bale.
Ladies Overall Winner: Kristine Gasgoine.
Men Division one winner: John Solly,
Division two winner: Peter Cullen.
Division three winner: Phil Daly.

Runner up to John Solly in final matchplay div. 1 At Waitara Golf Club Winner of over 80 years qualifier competition.

Taranaki 4 Course

A very successful tournament with many new comers.  The weather gods shone down on us all week.  On the first day the last players managed to get to 17th tee before they had to put their umbrellas up and were in the clubhouse about five minutes when the heavens opened.
Many players travelled from far and wide with several groups from the same clubs. Especially our Queensland visitors.  Great to see so many vans in the carparks at each of the clubs.
Many positive comments were heard around the clubhouse on the last day.
Thank you to everyone who made our tournament such a lot of fun.

Divn 1

1st    Terry and Karen Tapp  280.9
2nd   Darryl Baird and Fay Rowe  283.6
3rd    Phil Gravestock and Diane Morresey  284.9
Divn 2
1st    John Mohn and Raewyn McMahon  283.8
2nd   Allen and Julie Clarke  290.9
3rd    David and Diane Hughes   299
Divn 3
1st   Paul and Rita Verry  297.7
2nd  Paul Williams and Merle Mason   297.9
3rd   Dave and Julie Flett   298.2

Wanganui 2 course

61 players enjoyed playing Rangitikei and Castlecliffe.  The weather treated us kindly.   Many thanks to the organisers and the staff that maintained the courses.  Thanks go to the caterers and bar staff.

Div 1 Mens winner Barry Pickett,

Div 2 Mens winner Bruce Churchill

Ladies winner Sue Faulke.

Special congratulation to Bob Fair for his Hole in One on the 15th hole at Castlecliffe.  What made it extra special was that he was ‘feeling off colour’ was going to pull out, however got a cart to complete the round – then !!!! Ball goes into the hole for one.  He bought everyone a drink to celebrate.




Central & Southern Hawkes Bay

Central & Southern Hawkes Bay Veteran Golfers Association

4 Course Classic                      13-17 March 2022

After the devastation of Cyclone Gabriela here in the Hawkes Bay, the heavy rain, thunder storms and twisters throughout the North Island, leaving roads and escape routes gone as the Organiser of this year 4 course Classic, I would like to thank all 56 participants that made the effort to travel the long distance to make the 4 course classic roaring success.  We finally had a week of fine weather, starting at Dannevirke, playing Waipukerau, Norsewood , Takapau, finishing at Dannevirke.

Final results 2023

Ladies Group Winner:             Sue Faulke,  Baulcotts Farm

Mens Group 1 winner:            Vaughan Hales, Dannevirke

Mens Group 2 Winner:           Sylvester Eaton, Dannevirke


1st Day: Best Nett Men:           Gus Terry, Dannevirke

Runner up:                  Rod Henrickson, Dannevirke

Best gross Men:          Neil Newman, Sherwood

Runner Up:                  Joe Tuoro , Hastings

1st Day: Best Nett Women:     Sue Faulke, Boulcott Farm

Runner up:                  Beryl MacLeod, Sherwood

Best gross Women:     Sue Faulke, Boulcott Farm

Runner Up:                  Beryl MacLeod, Sherwood

Dallas Campbell, Sherwood was the lucky winner of a holiday at lake Motel for 2, plus game of golf for two at Taupo Golf Course



Men’s overall winner: John Luckham
Ladies overall winner: Vivian Jones

Northland 3 course

The winning Club trophy team from the Northland Vets Golf 3 day and 3 course tournament 8-10 Feb 2023:

Allegro Leisure:  (L to R)  Gary Crane, Karen Ferguson, Hugh and Jean Tennent.  (All from Hikurangi Club so won the Team Trophy too.)  409 stableford points for the 4 over the 3 days.

Mixed 54 hold 3 course challenge -Nthld resultsNorthland 3 days 8-10 Feb


Div (1)
Gross:            Andrew Markman (Mt Maunganui)
Net:                John Han (Paraparaumu)
Stableford:     Barry Littler Stableford winner.

Div (2)

Gross:            Peter Johnston (Norsewood)
Net:                Graeme Harrison (Cambridge)
Stableford:     Tim Reehal (Omokoroa)

Women’s Stableford winner:   Dawn Rumney (Omokoroa)

No play on Friday due to heavy overnight rain.





Results Mens Gross Div 1 and 2Results Mens Net Div 1 & 2Results Mens Stableford Div 1 & 2Results Women Stableford (1)


What a great course in wonderful paying conditions.  The event was well supported and the payers were vey happy to renew old friendships along with being out on the course playing.   Miro and is team did a superb job in his planning and organizing. – so many thanks to the team of volunteers that work so hard to enable us to enjoy ourselves.







Results was last modified: March 12th, 2025 by Antony

Nationals Mangawhai 2022

What an “hold your breath” finish for the 2022 Ryman Nationals held at Mangawhai.  It couldn’t have been much more exciting than seeing 4 players on the 18th green, all playing for a win.  Ken Meaden and Peter Hitchcock playing to their very last putts to decide that Ken was the  2022 winner of the NZVGA Championship.   In the same pairing we were treated to also watching Terry Tapp and Darryl Baird playing an extra hole to  decide the plate winner was Darryl.

The women were equally spectacular in their play.   Carolyn Cressey taking out the Gross with Karen Tapp the Nett; and Dianne Richmond the Stableford.   A most  deserving trio  indeed.   Well Done!

There were so many people to thank: To Greg Quinn, Tournament Organiser and President of Mangawhai GC, the Referees – Len Biltran and Ernest Hurley.  Jamie and his team of greens staff and volunteers, who presented a beautiful and challenging course to play. BK Club Captain; EJ – photographer and all the other volunteers – especially the ladies doing the prizes and background work.

Without the sponsors the 88 men and 44 women; from all over NZ,  would not have enjoyed this event.

Well done team – see you all at the Nationals at Whakatane next year

Mondays results

Past Presidents Trophy  (Best gross over the field)    Ron Sisson

Don Stubbings Trophy  (Best nett over the field)       Des Chitty

Patrons Trophy  (Best stableford over the field)        Bruce Churchill

Rex Bridge Trophy  (Best gross 70 years plus)            Terry Tapp

Harry Aherns Memorial Trophy  (Best nett 70 years plus)     Bob Fair

Trust Bank Trophy Teams Event: Gary Bennett, Duncan Bush, Bruce Churchill

Senior  (Best gross score)       Peter Hitchcock

Senior Reserve (Best gross score)      Keith Roberts

Intermediate  (Best gross score)        Maurice Fletcher

Intermediate  (Best gross score)        Duncan Bush

Junior  (Best gross score)                    Morris Waters

Junior Reserve (Best gross score)       Graeme Wakelin

There are a lot more  photos are on the Nationals page

Mens Nationals winners 2022Womens Nationals winners 20222's Nationals 2022

Poverty Bay

A real pity that there was a small field at this wonderful course.

Awapuni Links is always presented in a championship standard.  With the players reveling in the challenge.  The team that ensured this event happen did a great job in arranging everything for the players.

The prize table is second to none.



Individual Prize winners – thank you Brian Rose for doing the presentations.





The RV Mega 2 day tournament is on the “must do again” list for the 115 players that enjoyed a course in excellent condition.




Omanu 2022 Stableford


Taupo Vets Golf -66th Annual 5 Day Vets Tournament- Taupo Golf Club – 31st October, to Friday 4th November, 2022 .

This grand Annual Event on the Taupo Vets Calendar commences on Monday 31st October and attracted 80 Men Vets playing Match Play over Mon, Tues,Thurs and Final on Friday 4th November,2022.

On both courses -Top 2 Groups of 16 play on Centennial and the other 3 groups of 16 play on Tauhara.

47 Women in Two Divisions play Stableford  competition over Tauhara Course on Mon, Tues, Thurs and Final on Friday 4th November.

Naming Sponsor is Husk Halligan of Tremaines Realty with other valued Sponsors making this tournament possible.

Taupo Golf Club President -Bob Burns and Taupo Vet President welcomed participants in the Club House following Registration on Sunday 30th October.

We all wished the deluge of rain crossing NZ would pass by opening on Monday.  The tournament was not held in 2021 due to Covid and we are delighted to reconvene for 2022.

The organising Committee is headed by Tom Sainsbury ably assisted by previous Organiser Dave Mansell and assisted by an enthusiastic Committee including Les Wraight, Ross Cory, Ted Swanney,and President Neil.

Photo shows Dave Mansell; Bob Burns Taupo Golf Club President ; Finance Director -Ted Swanney ;Vet President Neil Murley and Raffle man -Ross Cory and view of Taupo Golf Club Lounge.

Attach photos of Sunday evening official opening along with President Neil and Bob Burns. and will report next week with those successful winners following the prize giving on Friday 4th November.

Wednesday the 2nd November is a one day stableford competition on Tauhara with Special features -Diehards (over 75 years of Age for best gross and net, longest putt, straightest drive, Two’s and Nearest the Pin.

The highlight was Martin Bull who at the age of 93 scored 39 points seen here with Club Professional -Hamish Robertson and of course he won the special walking stick donated by Mike Dinwiddie. Ted Swanney had 39 points

Also with 39 stableford points was Vale Stone in the Womens Section and Alan Lloyd. Jenny Cory won the straightest drive with Marlene Nitschke the longest drive in the womens division.

For the Men Tony Seavill won the Longest Drive and made 38 points and Barry Hickling the straightest drive. Others with 38 points were Win Murdock, and Adelle Keene and Gordon Harvey.

Best Gross was Kevin Hughes with 75 as did Alan Lloyd.


Monday 31st October thru’ to Friday 4th November 2022 attracted 80 men Vets form around NZ including some  from South island and Australian players.

Matchplay on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in  5 Groups of 16 the top H/Cap two Divisions play on Centennial and the other Three on Tauhara.

47 Vet Women golfers take part in two divisions of Stableford on Tauhara.
Sponsors as shown in Photo 1. with Naming Sponsor -Husk Halligan of Tremains Reality with other valued Sponsors making this Tournament possible. Due to Covid 2021 Tournament was cancelled
Winners :- Group One for the Permaclean Tray  Bob Burns ( Taupo Golf Club President), Runner Up – John Solly of Turangi Golf Club.  Photo of Bob with Sponsor Husk Halligan.
Group 2 :- for the Taupo Veteran’s Challenge Cup –  of Steven AndersonTaupo. Photo 3 . Runner Up – Peter Johnston of Norsewood Golf Club.
Group 3 :- for the Taupo Times Cup – Baxter Fagan of Taupo – Runner Up -John Han of Paraparaumu.
Taupo Vets filled the next 5 spots.
Group 4 :- for the Summerset By The Lake Trophy- Bob Fair of Porangahau photo 5. Runner Up Noel Gallien also of Porangahau Golf Club .
Group 5 :-for the Morrell Motors Cup -Allan Forrest of Porangahau photo 6. Runner Up Bryn Gradwell of Otematata Golf Club. Malcolm Munro of Taupo came 4th.
Women Vets results :-
Division One -Winner Agnes Han of Paraparaumu runner Up Kathy Sun of Paeroa.
Division Two – Winner Karen Tapp of Clarks Beach., Runner Up Trish Strand of Akarana. 3rd was Stella Berendt of Rangitikei and 5th Sally Mansell of Taupo
Taupo Men 2022Taupo Women 2022


90 golfers from 28 clubs enjoyed some challenging greens at the Summerset ‘Down the Lane’ sponsored 3 day tournament.   Owen Sigley, supported by his volunteers had a 4 tee start that made sure all the players were in the clubhouse at the end of the game in a close time frame, so we could catch up with all the others.  Reg Calden ensured that the players had a drink and nibbles each day at the half way point.

It was wonderful to see the caravans and motorhomes attending, especially with the cost of diesel these days.  There was a good mix of ‘regulars’ and ‘newbies’ camping on the course the 3 days.

Golf Encounters lucky draw went to Noel Robinson and Cherie Bezer.


Men Div 1:  Gross – Ian Lim,  Nett – Bob Perkins,  Stableford -Bernie Gilmore

Men Div 2:  Gross – John Bunce,  Nett – Alan Allsworth,  Stableford -Glenn Roberts

Women Div 1:  Gross – Wendy Roach,  Nett – Victoria Roberts,  Stableford -Cherie Bezer

Women Div 1:  Gross – Lyn MacRury,  Nett – Ruth Cooke,  Stableford – Yvonne Allsworth


Ngaruawahia Oct 2022


Due to the rain on Friday, 75 players enjoyed a well groomed course.   Special thanks must go to the greens staff, as the damage due to the bad weather was greater than usual making their job that much more difficult.  Well Done!

It was great to see Pam (GAS Maungatapere) continuing to be their sponsor.  It was very much appreciated in the light of current fuel costs.  Thanks too go to the President Peter, with Beryl and Terene, supported by many other volunteers for the great job they did in organising this tournament.

The winners of the Golf Encounters Lucky Draw (back packs) Dallas Campbell, Trudi Robertson


Mens  Gross:   Ian Stopforth           Womens Gross:  Anne Hatthaway

Mens  Nett:  Murray Jack                 Womens Nett:  Kim Smith

Men Stblfd:  Martin Taylor             Womens Stblfd:  Kerry Pevy

Northern Wairoa

Sunshine, quick greens and great company was enjoyed by 42 players at Northern Wairoa.  The welcome and friendship reflected true Northland hospitality.  Everyone is going back next year and so if you want to join us you will need to get in early.

Neil Smith (Club Captain)  and Glenys McEvoy (President) worked hard to ensure we all enjoyed ourselves.  Well done.  The green keepers deserve a special mention.  The club have made huge changes to the course and opened up the views and generally made the course more playable for us ‘regular’ golfers. For the Motor-homers – the parking site would have you thinking you have woken up in a postcard.

The Golf Encounters luck draw went to Muzza – Murray Jack one of the local (sorry – didn’t write the name down)   The players were put into 1 Division, which is the current thinking from NZ Golf for golf events.

Full results to come



Northern Wairoa


Although we had no official tournament.  The course was presented in magnificent condition – stunning in fact.  Its a real pity we didn’t all play. Next year, it will be a stableford 2 day tournament, with petrol vouchers as your prize. A few hardy players went out and enjoyed a cold, windy, yet dry underfoot course. They all won a prize, how is that for generosity.


Clarks Beach

120 players enjoyed some great games of golf at Clarks Beach.

There were 3 mens divisions and 2 womens.

Detailed results to come.

Here are the successful winners.


What a professionally run tournament sponsored by One Foundation.  This tournament has been running since 1928, with F W Wilkie donating the original NZ Veterans Club trophy.  72 players started, with a weather forecast that looked terrible. Day 1 was wet, Day two sunny, day three a mixture wet til 10 then warm weather.    Covid took out a couple of players, unfortunately this seems to be getting to be a new normal.

A meet and greet on Monday made everyone feel welcome.  Special thanks to Mary Browne; who is also the Club Patron; for her continued organisation of this tournament. The team; with Jim Comber, the Starters, volunteers, caterer, greens staff and the Manager were always there to support and assist.

The cup winners at our tournament.

From left to right:-  Loren Jones (Whakatane), Matthew Carroll (Castlecliff), Bruce Ridden (Cambridge), Marie Roberts (Lakeview) and Reg Hooper (Rotorua).

Special thanks again to Mary for her Cheese log and crackers half way round.  She generously shard the recipe with those that asked.




Rotorua 2022


What a wonderful welcoming club to play for two days for the 60 players that were enjoying a spring game of golf.  On Tuesday evening they were treated to a free Quiz Night, log fire heating the room, lots of laughter with the prizes donated by Kaye Pauger.  The evening was great fun, the questions were very reasonable.  Winning team was BLCK  with 68 points, The Boys with 65, 2 Tapps +2 Drips 63 and Golfer and Lags on 56.

In spite of the cold – day one was beautiful.  The meal, that was included,  was just what you wanted after a hard day of golf.  2 types of roast meat  and all the veges, rounded off with apple crumble.   Day two decided to treat us to some light hail.  The locals ignored it, the visitors were commenting that they  had never played in hail.  The great raffles made up for those that were saving their better games for another time.

Our thanks go out to the club and the volunteers that made a very successful event on a well presented course.  Everyone certainly enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to next year.

The Golf Encounters Lucky Draws went to Anna Reese and Dave Zander.



Turangi 2022

Wanganui 3 course

Jane Winstone Village (Ryman) sponsored this planned 4 course tournament, it was lovely to catch up with Frances Quirk who was their representative.  Matt Carroll, Wanganui Vets President welcomed all to the tournament and acknowledged the generous sponsorship.  112 players enjoyed playing 3 courses in Wanganui area.  Marton was too wet, so will be back next year.  Rangitikei was a little wet, yet playable producing some interesting scores.  The hospitality was up to its usual standard.  Castlecliffe was played twice, with Wanganui being played on the Thursday.

Colin Vincent won a raffle prize donated by Linda McAlister.

3 Golf Encounters lucky draws were made.





Wanganui 2022


Sunshine Coast 2022

32 players enjoyed 8 wonderful courses in the sunshine of Queensland.  Great organisation and lots of fun.

The Winner: Marilyn Harrison, Cambridge

July 30 –   Saturday     Left NZ to check in at Mantra Mooloolaba Beach.  Throughout your holiday we enjoyed a simple handicap competition.

July 31 – Sunday   Golf Day – Peregian, a highly regarded park-land style golf course

August 1 – Monday –  Free Day

August 2 – Tuesday-  Golf Day – Twin Waters.  A sportsperson’s dream. The course is internationally recognised as one of the top six resort courses in Australia

August 3 – Wednesday – Free Day

August 4 – Thursday –  Golf Day – Noosa Springs, cleverly designed and immaculately maintained, providing a delightful challenge for golfers. 18 holes meander through lush rainforest and spring-fed lakes.

August 5 – Friday Golf Day – Noosa (Tewantin) Terrific views and challenging play with well-groomed fairways and greens.

August 6 – Saturday  – Day Trip to the hinterland behind the Sunshine Coast. With a Pub lunch.

August 7 – Sunday-   Golf Day – Maleny, bounded by the Obi Obi Creek.

August 8 – Monday –  Free Day

August 9 –  Tuesday   –  Golf Day – Palmer Coolum

Designed by renowned golf course architect Robert Trent Jones Jnr, this much improved course challenges even the best golfers while still providing plenty of enjoyment for the novice.

August 10 – Wednesday – Free Day

August 11 – Thursday – Golf Day – Maroochy River, with its wide fairways, few trees and lots of strategically placed bunkers. What makes it challenging is the water, which is a feature of almost every hole, and the wind. It’s a rare day that the wind does not affect play,

August 12 – Friday – Free Day / Golf Day – Palmer Coolum

There is an optional golf day today for those who wanted to squeeze in one more round. It is the home to a variety of species of birds and families of contented Kangaroos.  We had to look out for the dinosaurs behind the fence on the 10th fairway.

That night we had a farewell dinner together at a local restaurant, the food was exceptional.

August 13 – Saturday Homeward Bound

Participant List:

Anna Reece & Morris Allen Taupo.   Bruce & Yvonne Oxenham Mt Maunganui.  Dianne & Roger Campbell Mt Maunganui.  Glenda Giddy & Phil Gilbert Orewa.  Graeme & Marilyn Harrison Cambridge.  Jim & Maureen Braidford Kerikeri.  Judith Gardner Red Beach.  Karen & Garth Taylor Hamilton.  Ken Sykes New Plymouth.  Launa Seddon & Colin Harrison Tauranga.  Mary Pope Auckland.  Nevis & Margaret Jones Timaru.  Owen & Liz Berrill Auckland.  Peter Spurway New Plymouth.  Phillip & Carole Butland Lower Hutt.  Ray & Carol Lobb Papamoa.  Sally Morch New Plymouth.  Shirley & Bill Kittlety Auckland.  Tony Brownett Kerikeri.

Hosts: Mike & Sue Ryan Christchurch.



Te Awamutu

For the final event prior to winter, we were treated to a cold wet blast, lightening included.  It didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of the players to play on a very well presented course. The players were welcomed to the club by Gordon Kirkham, the President.  Special thanks were give to Kerry and his team for all the hard work that they put into the tournament.   Unfortunately the rain call off play for Friday.

There were daily prizes as well as overall prizes, the prizes were very generous.

Lucky draws of Make Up bags for Heather Jane and Margaret Dobson. The Golf Encounters water bottles were also given away to two other  lucky players.


TeAwamutu Daily Prizes 2022


What a great please to play this wonderful country course.  The greens were stunning!!!  The club stepped into the gap left by Riverside, producing a wonderful tournament for the 63 players.

Paul Davey, President, welcomed us all.  The sponsoship was exceptional:  Mark Reinsfield; James R Hill, Funeral Directors was a very generous sponsor, not only donating prizes, shouted the bar for a while too.  Tony and Jill Webber sponsored bottles of wine for player having 2’s.  By getting a 2, you got 2 bottles of wine!  PakNSave; Te Awamutu also donated wine, and the members donated the use of their cart.

Our sincere thanks to the greens staff, the bar, caterer the volunteers, with special thanks to Steve Law for organising.

The Golf Encounter lucky draw went to: Morris Allen and Sandra Payne.

There  were daily  prizes as well as raffles.

Many players are vowing to return next year.


Kapiti Coast Classic

93 players enjoyed four days of matchplay in the 18th Kapiti Coast Classic. # players played had in the original event in 2004.    Peter Rankin played, adding to his record of playing under his age over 430 times. The organisation for the tournament ran smoothly, there were plenty of raffles, a reward of $20 for each hole in 2; along with everyone taking something home at the end of the week.     Paraparumu was played in wonderful conditions – no wind and warm sunshine.

The winner all received the classic tea towel – so we couldn’t resist publishing the photo-bomber with the winners.

The Golf Encounters lucky draws went to Kim Soon Sook and Cam Gerrard


What a wonderful week of golf was shared with players from Christchurch to Northland.  92 players were treated to a very well organised tournament. With Marie Rayner and her team of volunteers ensuring that all went well.  Everyone was a winner, Colin Harrison and Launa Seddon being the only ones to have no wins in matchplay format, yet still getting something to make sure they will be back again. Many thanks must go to the generous sponsors who made this happen.

The winners were;

Group A Kevin Southee (Fitzroy) & Joy East (Manukorihi)
Group B Geoff Peters & Pauline Davidson (Manukorihi)
Group C Ted Danych & Marion Coleman (Manukorihi)
The Golf Encounters lucky draw was won by Judy Lewer and John Solly.

Taranaki 4 course

What a challenging week.  We were expecting bad weather, yet got wonderful sunshine with very little wind.  Waitara was in for the format this year, that was a real treat; clear skies; no wind; and beautiful views.  The course was good too.

Four different courses; Waitara, Inglewood, Kaitaki and Westown; each with a different foursomes formats!!  Needless to say, some pairings are still speaking to one another.  Others on day two said “never again” and on day four said “see you next year”.  Lots of laughter all round.

Many thanks go to the Sponsors – Summerset and all the others.  Also to the team of volunteers that worked hard over the past few months to ensure we had a great event.

We were treated to some fantastic scoring; Margaret McDougal had a great day with a Hole in One, then her turn to play her partners ball she slots it into the hole for a 2!    Very Very Well done Margaret.

Ian Frogatt and Peg Murphy won Division 3 for the fourth time.  I am sure they will be back again.

The Golf Encounters lucky draw went to Cherry Reehal and Tim Payne



Taranaki 4 course Winners 2022


Many thanks to the club and volunteers who put on a well organised tournament. Fiona Nelson – Summerset an Richard Stephens – Craigs Investments were very generous in their sponsorship of the tournaments, both agreeing to continue.

104 players enjoyed 2 days of sunshine, the rain came in just 3 minutes after the last players on day two.  It was interesting to see that the 3 divisions were based solely on handicap, with all players competing equally.  This was reflected in the prizes too.  Well done Waihi.

There was a wonderful raffle table and interesting prize table.  An auction of a golf bag raised $200 for the Waihi vets.

Golf Encouters lucky draws went to John Giffney and Brain Bain.

Here are photos of the winners: Waihi Winners photos 2022


WGC-2-day vets Div 1 NetWGC-2-day vets Div 1 StbWGC-2-day vets Div 2 NetWGC-2-day vets Div 2 StBWGC-2-day vets Div 3 NetWGC-2-day vets Div 3 StBWGC-2-day vets Overall NetWGC-2-day vets Overall Stb

Central and Southern Hawkes Bay

A great effort was put in to get 74 players enjoying 5 courses each with its unique point of difference.  Dannevirke, Takapau, Porangahau, Waipawa and Waipukerau.  It was a pleasure to see all courses so green!  The summer had been very kind to us.  Peter Johnston was the Tournament Organiser with Val Divers, Margaret Stephenson and Vaughan Hale giving valuable assistance.


There was a very generous Lucky draw for a $250 pharmacy voucher with the luck recipient being Silv Eaton.

The Golf Encounters draw went to Terene Campbell and Gloria Park.

Mount Maunganui

Mount Maunganui


Although we had a small group to play the course, there was some very very good scores.

The team at the club had worked hard to put on the event and the  caterer put on a wonderful meal on the Thursday evening.


Mangawhai results 2022


140 players enjoyed a great competition in th sunny Bay of Plenty.  The weather was superb and the cooperation of the players outstanding in helping to ensure that at no stage did we have a gathering of people that came anywhere close to 100. 
Prize Winners – Men
       1st     Ben Sha & Junju Han 
       2nd   Maurice Joyce & John Mohn
       3rd    Bruce Lauchlan * Bruce Chapman
Prize Winners – Ladies 
      1st     Barbara Ellingford & Sue Waller 
      2nd   Wendy Harris & Carol Downes
      3rd    Maria King  & Lois Amaru
Photo  From left to right ….   Ben Sha, Junju (Jacky) Han, Barbara Ellingford & Sue Waller 


I would like to make a very special mention about the hard work and commitment that Terry Kay has made to ensuring the smooth running of this popular event at Taumarunui.   Terry is standing down in his role as Tournament Convener.  His friendship and service has been very much appreciated  over many years.  We do wish Terry and Eileen all the best for the future.

Gross Winner: Peter Rankin with Andrew Markman

Taumarunui 2022

Northland 3 course

Whangarei, Sherwood and Northern Wairoa hosted an exceptionally well run 3 day tournament for over 116 players.  Most people were winner – if not, we were just having the fun of playing again under ‘new conditions’ that Covid restricted us to.  I have to say well done for battling through such hot and humid conditions over those 3 days – quite energy sapping.

There were plenty of daily prizes, great value 2’s (for a lucky few) and along with the overall winners there was the “teams” event.

The Golf Encounters were given out as ‘sympathy’ prizes (not poor scoring, just to unlucky golfers) They were Robert Nathan, Mary Jack and Barbara Burrell.




Northand 3 day resultsNorthland Ladies stbld day 3Northland Mens stbfd day 3Northland Teams Event


73 players enjoyed great weather and a course that provided amazing scores along with some testing shots.  The greens team presented the course in wonderful condition.

Many thanks to the sponsors who enabled all of the daily and overall prizes.  The team at the club did a great job in ensuring everything went smoothly.  The tee times from 8:30 meant that we did not need to play in the heat.

Golf encounters lucky draws went to: Patricia Adlam, Neil Shakes and Colin Vincent,

Whakatane Jan 2022




Results was last modified: March 12th, 2025 by Antony

Ryman Nationals at Poverty Bay

The 2021 Ryman Nationals at Poverty Bay certainly provided some challenges to ensure we had an event.  Covid restrictions meant we could only have a total of 100 players in the field.  80 men, 20 women. Also our Auckland and Northland friends could not even get to the tournament.  Special thanks to Jayne Smith (Rymans Gisborne) for standing in for Steph Cawte (Rymans Auckland).   Getting down to that number was no easy feat, special thanks to all those players who voluntarily stood down.

On top of the pre game planning and logistics, the weather was predicted it to be a WET week – yes- we all remember last year!   However the golf gods were on our side and we had glorious sunshine, in fact too much glorious sunshine – it was VERY hot!

The whole Tournament was deemed a success.  Thanks go; in no particular order; to the organising committee Colin Christie and crew of merry helpers.  The greens staff presenting a beautifully presented course with  true greens and one that provided a great challenge.  The Pro shop, for their assistance and advice. The caterer Black Fig for a superb meal on Wednesday and feeding us during the week.

It was a real privilege to see some wonderful golf moments.  Peter Rankin shooting his age – again (Over 385 times)  Mick Tee showing that age is no barrier to a good golf game.  To Ron Sisson and Andrew Markman providing a challenge to Anaru Reedy to ensure he had to fight for his win.   The local golfers did their club proud by ranking highly in the results.

The small group of women were enjoying some very good scoring.  With Marg Colebourne playing some great golf one each day to take out best nett.  Alison Timms took the best gross after a very constant 4 days of play. Rita Verry had steady rounds to take the Stableford prize.  Lovely to see Anne Braithwaite, with her injured knee, call in to see us.

Here are some photos to tempt you and keep you interested – more will be on the Nationals page.



Mens Intermediate results 2021Mens Junior results 2021Mens Monday Gross 2021Mens Monday Nett 2021Mens Monday Stableford 2021Mens Senior results 2021Mens Two's 2021Womens Gross 2021Womens Nett 2021Womens Results 2021


Hawkes Bay

A 24degree day, with a gentle breeze typifies the weather in the Hawkes Bay.  The 62 golfers, that were enjoying their first real outing in several months enjoyed a course presented in great condition.  A shotgun start, a free sausage sizzle along with a generous array of donated prizes ensure that we all had a fun two days.

Friendly staff and a wonderful caterer helped to make everyone thinking about a return visit.  The $20 dinner on Monday day was outstanding!  A good catch up amongst friends, new friendships formed and discussion about ‘absent’ regulars made for a thoroughly enjoyable two days.

Golf encounters lucky draw was won by Peter Johnston and Darren Turley

Poverty Bay 2021


GOLF was the winner in this week’s successful Gisborne East Coast Veterans Open held on the Poverty Bay course, but several champions also emerged from an enjoyable tournament.  81 players were treated to a course presented in championship conditions, especially in light of the torrential rains that had fallen over Gisborne in the days prior.  You would not have known that flooding in the local area had occurred, as the course had drained so quickly that they were able to mow on the day prior to our event. 

The organisation of the tournament was superb…. mainly due to the effort and hard work of the team of Volunteers lead by Jon Jenner and Colin Christie.  The Pro shop team ensured that cards and draws were ready, players needs were met,  even those that had a lesson prior!!  The weather even played its part and we enjoyed sunshine each day. 

The players were treated to a BBQ meal on the Sunday evening, and were also given snacks after each days play.  

Visitors took the lion’s share of the major prizes but a few players kept the home flag flying. The overall winners are (from left) Russell Kane, Andrew Markman, Mick Tee, John Han, Agnes Han, Launa Seddon, Claire Tippett, Garth Tattersfield, Richard Foon, Brian Hall and Keith Smith.

Winners picture by Paul Rickard

The Golf Encouters luck draws were won by: Clair Tippett, Warwick Thompson, Ronnie Young and Garth Tattersfield.


Poverty Bay 2021


Huntly 2021

Coromandel Coastal Pairs

The First event played, after the winter break,  at the Tairua and Mercury Bay Golf Clubs saw 28 clubs were represented by 104 players.  The pairs formats of 4BBB at Tairua and Combined Stableford at Mercury Bay produced some interesting results.  With 3 women’s pairs; 13 men’s pairs and 34 mixed pairs, it was particularly interesting to see how the ‘now not so new’ handicap system even out the results, making each group more competitive with the other.  The scoring in the 3 groups were definitely more equal.

It was a pleasure to see how the club staff and their teams of volunteers prepared the courses to a challenging standard.  Their work was appreciated.

Julia and Jerry Kuggeleijn were the overall winners of the tournament. Well done a great effort.

The players were treated to generous amounts of daily prizes and lucky draws.

The Golf Encounters lucky draw water bottles went to: Tony Peters and Robyn Hayward.

The Beachside motel, hot pools and French Fig gave a generous lucky draw worth $300.





We had a very good week for the Classic last week, 5 days of autumn sun & not much wind!!!   The field was 103, the highest for 10 years.

Those with 4 wins:

Peter Kennedy           Cam Gerrard               Tim Orrell                  

Mark Bengamin         Bruce Lewer               Rose Braid


Those with 3 wins:

Andrew Markham     Gerald Ponsford         Alan White                

Ross Gibson                Ken Wimsett              Stewart Cox               

Kevin Mulligan           Billy Mahon                Kevin Stratton           

Warren Sutton           Rob Ashby                  Miro Cooper

Neil Turnbull              Francis Gascoigne      Anthony Steel            

Russell Longuet          Scott Gywnne            Steve Parkin             

Michael Anderson     Alban Reid                  Julie Steel                  

Olive Tutaki               Soon Sook Kim           Kristie Gascoigne

Adrienne Bolster        Patricia Holt              Diana Joplin               

Vivien Jones


  • A pity we didn’t get the numbers to this fun event.  It is an event the I enjoy as it seems quick and social.  The format of 12 holes matchplay – lunch – then 12 holes, with the same again the following day is fun and challenging.   It enables many of our players to get out and enjoy the course, with out getting too exhausted.


  • Overall winner:  Brian O’Donnell, Levin.  Runner Up Brian Stewart, Kapiti
  • Flights winners:  Mary Keenan, Levin and Mike Tate, Levin
  • Consolation winner:  Linda McAlister, Castecliff


Mark Rainsford, of James R Hill and David De Veth, Rymans were ready to present the prizes to the winners of the event that was challenged by squally showers.  Both sponsors have been long term supporter of this event.  A fact that is greatly appreciated by the players and Vets Golf.

Ray Harman and Graham Willey were the winner of the Mens Pairs division.

With John Mohn and Raewym MacMahon winning on countback.

Jenny Chen had her first Hole In One…

Marie and John Rainer were the lucky draw winners of the Golf Encounter’s water bottles.

North Harbour


Senior Men – Pete Morrow – Chamberlain Park                  108 pts

Intermediate Men – KK Kuh – Akarana                                   111 pts

Junior Men – Hector Wong – Waitemata                                118 pts

Ladies – Sarah Hall – Muriwai                                                    102 pts


Taranaki 4 course

The winners were    Divn 1     David Chang and Teresa Tan    North Shore
                                 Divn 2    Bruce Bishop, Fitzroy, Elaine Johnston, Taupo
                                 Divn 3     Ian Froggatt and Peg Murphy,  Kawhia
Photo hadseonie Davies from Summerset, the main sponsor, then
Bruce and Elaine, David and Teresa, Ian and Peg.


Taranaki results 2021


Left to right.
Group A: Craig and Joanne McDonald, New Plymouth inc.
Group B: Bruce and Cath Evans, Manukorihi.
Group C: Jim Newlove and Helen Watt,Manukorihi


Overall Winners

Women’s Winners
Ann Braithwaite Division 1 winner and overall winner, Raewyn Nickson winner of Division 2.

Division 1

Division 2

Division 3



Winners list

Photos of winners – Pembrook Trophy

Photos of winners – Stratford Trophy

Wanganui 2 course

It was lovely to  play this event as last year we were all told to stay home.  The tournament was played with 2 days at both Rangitikei and Castlcliff Golf Clubs. The Jane Winstone retirement village were again the regular sponsor – as they have been for a number of years.  Big thanks to Ryman to continue the sponsorship of our events.

Photos of the winners:
Women’s Winner Pam Charlesworth
Men’s Div 1 Winner Allen Allsworth
Men’s Div 2 Winner Paddy Edmonds
Team Winners


The Golf Encounters water bottles went to: Ronnie West and Don Atkinson

Wanganui 2 course resultsWanganui 2 course team scores

Central &Sthn Hawkes Bay

78 players experienced 5 genuine NZ country golf courses.  All the volunteers and workers that helped prepare for this event deserve our thanks.  Being smaller clubs it is refreshing to see the level of pride, support and commitment that the club members showed.

Day 1: Danniverk;  Day 2: Takapau;  Day 3: Porangahau; Day 4: Waipawa; Day 5; Waipukerau.  Each of the courses had their point of difference and presented challenges that made you think about each shot played.  With the event being the best 4 out of 5 scores, meant that you could either not play a course, or drop one score.  The majority of players did play all 5.  There were nearest the pin each day and 2’s.

Best Gross: Peter Rankin          Best Nett: Peter Johnston


Special thanks to the sponsors: Mitre 10; Peter Johnston; Caltex; Vet Services and  Farm Source.

The Golf Encounters water bottles went to: Mark Reinsfield and Patricia Holt.

5 CC Overall results5 CC Group 1 Men5 CC Group 2 Men5 CC Group 3 Men5 CC Group1 Ladies5 CC Group 2 Ladies


The team at Carterton, Grant Smith , President and John Valley, Tournament Coordinator did a great job of organising this event.  John stepped up to run the event and did it well.  Especially as it was the first time he had run a tournament.  Well Done.  Thank you to the sponsors; Liquorland; New World; Pak N Save; Hell Pizza and Farmlands.

The greens were fantastic!!  The club should be very proud of them.  As they should be of their caterer too.  A buffet meals was enjoyed on the Wednesday evening and entertainment was provided.   The Pies that Pete the caterer makes are well worth visiting the club for. (Beef and Red Wines was the most popular overall ) The players, 2 divisions of men and 1 of women; enjoyed a 3 day event, however you could choose to play one, two or all three days.  There were daily prizes as well as the overall; and it was good to be told the players  could only win one prize.  This resulted in the prize distribution being well spread and very generous.


Mens Divisions 1:  Richard Tippett

Mens Division 2: Dave Zander

Women:  Launa Seddon

The Golf Encounters lucky draw went to Kevin Southee and June Churchill.




Golf encounters luck draw  drink bottles went to Ian Millwood and  Lloyd Bilclough.


Photos included on the results sheet

Ngaruawahia Feb 2021

Mount Maunganui

128 players enjoyed 3 days playing on a wonderful course.  The sponsorship from Ocean Shores Village was appreciated by the players.  Elloitts Funeral Services gave everyone a golf ball and commented “we will be pleased to see you when you have moved out of the Ocean Shores Village.”

Overall, it was an excellant tournament with the weather gods behaving themselves, dot golf staying on line, and most of the Mount Mens Vets committee managing to get up early on the Thursday and Friday mornings.
The entry level was high,  and still had about 20 more on the wait list. Even more encouraging was the speed with which the entries arrived, with some of the regular players not contacting the club before the end of January and, consequently, having to go on the wait list.
Again there was a wide geographic spread of entrants from as far south as Pleasant Point (Timaru), and as far north as Waitangi. Hawkes Bay, Wellington, and Taranaki were also well represented.  Competition was keen and there wasn’t much separating the ultimate prize winners.

The professionalism of the organisation for the event, by the team of  MT Maunganui Men’s Vets team, was one that we should template. The communication and information was clear and made it easy to follow.  Especially as we were teeing from 3 tees and in 3 Men’s Divisions and 2 divisions of Women.  Daily prizes were very well received, with the final overall winners working hard to be named champions of this years event.

The Golf Encounters lucky draws winners: Ken Meaden, Mark Benjamin.


Mount Maunganui 2021

Northland 3 Course

128 players enjoyed 3 courses, each one of which was presented in wonderful playing condition.  The staff and volunteers at Northern Wairoa, Sherwood Park prize and Mt Denby must be very proud of their efforts.  Pub Charity sponsored the hire for the courses for the 3 days.

Each course had very generous daily  prizes for individuals based on Gross, Nett and Stableford, as well as for the best of the  “teams”.  Teams being either a composite (lucky dip mix combo) or four members from the same golf club.  The Team trophy could only be presented to teams from the same club, however – not to let anyone miss out on a chance, there is a  for the composite teams.

Team winner:  2 Maids & Merry Men.    then: Cat Caraz; Bay Babes; No Whitebait; Tulip & the Blossoms; Park Benches.

Golf Encounters lucky dip Water bottles:  Dallas Campbell and Caryl Scott.



More gallery photos

Northland 2021


Matchplay- nett – pairs was the format for 96 players at Kerikeri.  Great sponsorship from Quail Ridge again, it is lovely to have a consistent sponsor, who is very supportive of the club. New World provided a huge hamper for the raffle and Mt Cook Salmon provided some lucky draws.  Golf Encounters Water Bottles went to:  Eli Yoo and Grace Yoo.

The event was held in groups of 8, so as to keep the handicap closer, this was much appreciated by the players in the 6 divisions.  Muddy Waters, Kevin Hughes and the team had worded hard to produce an event that superbly well organised. Well Done!

The week was challenging- and that was not just the golf.  The weather; Monday; decided to treat a parched Northland to over 150mm rain in one day.  So the players had the day; originally planned for the seeding day; free to read books or socialise.  The meet and greet that evening was well attended. Added to the mix, a Covid scare in Auckland, sealed off Northland.  The Wednesday free day was then planned for golf.

Improved weather on Tuesday enable us to play the seeding event and matchplay continued for the rest of the week .  A meal at the clubhouse on Thursday was enjoyed by some of the players, as was the quiz night on the Wednesday evening.

Div 1:  Agnes and John Han

Div 2: Julie Zu and Ramon Wang

Div 3: Jill and Jon Ronald

Div 4: Rosie Jensen and Michael McEntegart

Div 5: Carol and Rex Bones

Div 6: Patricia and Peter Holt



Results sheets



107 players were treated to a course that was presented in magnificent condition.   There were players from all over the North Island, with a big contingent from Omokoroa. Very special thanks to the team of volunteers that supported the greenkeeper to ensure we have a course fit for any event. Well done to you all.

The tournament committee; lead by Terry Kay; had put in so much work behind the scenes that the whole event flowed smoothly and was superbly organised. Cards were on hand at each tee for the start.  Raffles and fresh chilled water was available along with cheese and crackers.

The meal on Thursday evening, enjoyed by many of the players, it was a credit to the team in kitchen.

The sponsors: Property Brokers; Forgotten Highway; BNZ and Westpac ensured that there was a generous distribution of prizes.  The Forgotten Highway Rail Trail raffle was a much sought after.

Golf Encounters lucky draws went to John Bebarfald and Brian Page








Results was last modified: March 12th, 2025 by Antony

2020 Nationals at Stratford

88 men and 42 women played in the Ryman Nationals at Stratford Golf Club.

The club had prepared a course in wonderful condition, many many thanks to Vaughan, the Club Secretary and all the workers and volunteer who put in a great effort.  The players received a goody bag at the start.  It was wonderful to see familiar faces and we were all looking forward to seeing some great golf. Thanks to the referees as well, as we needed their guidance on how to proceed as each wave of weather came thru.

The weather gods had different ideas, we know golf is a winter sport…… yet we do not play a National in Winter! Rain Monday – half the field did not even hit a ball.  The meet and greet was a great success with a welcome by Matt McDonald , Club President.  A further welcome from the District Mayor,  Neil Volzke presented the NZVGA Secretary with a safety kit: see photo of Hello Kitty ring and snorkel and goggles etc…  He obviously know what the rest of the week was bringing.  Steph Cawte, Rymans, was a pleasure to meet, she gave a relaxed speech about how Rymans was there to assist us in the future, .  Steph met many of the the players and vowed to be with us all again next year.  We tried to get her to stay, but work prevailed.  Little did she know that her flights were cancelled and she would have 5 more cancellations before she could leave town.

Tuesday: Men played 9 hole matchplay, women 18 holes of a 54 hole event.

Wednesday; it was WET: Some of the women went shopping, the local shoe shop did very well!.  While some of the men played pool. The evening meal was a BBQ, with 103 attending.  Two of the local women provided some comic musical entertainment with songs from the 1930’s. A wonderful evening.

Thursday: Men played 2 rounds of 9 hole matchplay, women completed their 18 holes.

Friday: Hooray – the sun is shining, so we all played full rounds and the men’s matches were completed on an 18 hole format.


Gross Winner:                   Ann Braithwaite, Strathmore      244

Nett Winner:                      Gretchen Potter, Tahuna             234

Stableford Winner:          Josie Keegan, Inglewood                84

Mens Matchplay:

2020 Champion:               Darryl Baird, Maunkorihi

Runner Up:                         Ken Meaden, Muriwai

Senior Reserve Winner: Richard Tippett, Napier

Intermediate Winner:    Brian Eriksen, Waitara

Intermediate Reserve:   Mark Benjamin, Gulf Harbour

Junior Winner:                  Barry Knowles, Stratford

Junior Reserve:                 Harley Simpson, Inglewood

At prizegiving on ode called The state of play was read out by the author Graeme Irvine: – Here is a copy.

The state of Play


2020 Womens Stableford2020 Womens Stableford In Divisions2020 Womens Nett2020 Womens Gross2020 Senior Reserve Championship2020 Senior Championship2020 Junior Reserve Championship2020 Junior Championship2020 Intermediate Reserve Championship2020 Intermediate Championship

Te Puke

98 players got to play 2 days out of the three.  The rain decided that we needed an early finish, so the players gathered on day three for a prizegiving.

The course, as usual, was in excellent condition, also the novelty of being so close to the railway tracks provided a  source of entertainment.

Day One winners in the 4BBB were Anna Reece and Morris Allen with 47 points.

Day Two winners, best stableford, were Lynette and Dennis Powell with 41 points.

The overall winners were Lynette and Dennis Powell with 87 points.

Francis and Kristine Gascoigne were 2nd with 83 points, with Warrick Jackson and Wendy Franks 3rd on countback.

Longest Putt on both days was won by Reina Mellor.

Nearest the Pin: Day 1: Cherie Bezer.  Day 2: Elaine Jordon.

Te Puke 2020 results


128 players were treated to some interesting matchplay games.  80 of  those players were from visiting clubs.

Ian Graham, Vets Captain and his team did a great job in puttin on the tournament. Special mention to Scott Gwen in his first year as organisor and to Nathan and his crew of course staff. Emma Norton, Sponsor, from Omokoroa Country Estate was there on the Monday to invite everyone to an afternoon tea and tour of the complex.  It is only 500m from the course.

Winners – Claire & Lawson Stewart
Trophy Donor – Jo Sherlock
Tournament Sponsor – Omokoroa Country Estate, Sales Manager Emma Norton.


142 player were at Taupo.

Raewyn MacMahon got a Hole in One on the 17th hole on the Tahara course.

Results and photos to come



Poverty Bay

A wonderful 3 days of golf was played on a course that was presented in a well groomed Championship condition.

The organisation ensured that the event ran smoothly.  A very generous prize table was on display to tempt all the players into playing their best to be one of the winners.

We even managed to play in 3 days of mainly sunshine, with only a couple of groups getting rain for their last couple of holes.

9 groups of men played matchplay, after the (optional) Endeavor cup round on the Sunday.  2 Divisions of women and 1 division of 9 holers completed the field.   many vowing to return next year.

Gisborne Herald item:

SEE you next year . . . twice.  That was the reaction of several players after
the Gisborne East Coast Veteran Golfers open tournament ended on the Awapuni Links.  Champions were crowned in the men’s and women’s competitions after three days of play in unseasonally cooler weather.
The irony of today dawning beautifully would not have been lost on organisers. But they could have pointed to Hawke’s Bay and
argued it could have been a whole lot worse.  As it was, Gisborne escaped lightly and players were highly complimentary of the course and the
tournament.  A good number are expected to return next year and be back again a month or so later when GEC vets host the New Zealand veterans’ open in December.
On the course this week, Paraparaumu Beach couple John and Agnes Han enjoyed silverware success. John won the 18-hole strokeplay nett trophy for the 55 to 69 years age group and was runner-up in the Group 3 men’s matchplay final.  Agnes was consistency personified on the way to winning the women’s 54-hole gross with rounds of 83, 83, 84.
Visitors plundered the bulk of the major prizes — Cambridge members  winning four of the men’s nine groups — but there was local success.
Electrinet Park member Barry Cox beat Patutahi’s Sijtze Mohlmann in the Group 6 final while Poverty Bay’s Roger Murphy defeated Patutahi’s Dave Maloy in the Group 8 final.
Host course player Viv Bell won the women’s overall stableford.
‘We’ll be back’ . . . for GEC and NZ vets opens
TROPHY HAUL: The major winners at the Gisborne East Coast Veteran Golfers Association’s open tournament held at Poverty Bay course this week are (from left): Alan Bates (Group 9 winner, from Matamata), Barry Cox (Group 6, Electrinet Park), RogerMurphy (Group 8, Poverty Bay), Ray Skiffington (Group 7, Cambridge), Tim Louisson (Group 2, Cambridge), Murray Browne (Group 4, Cambridge), Brian Ross (Group 1, Cambridge), Dick Fraser (Group 3, Taupo), Russell Kane (Group 5, Rangitikei),
Patrick Carr (70-years-plus net) and John Han (55 to 69 years net).

WOMEN’S WINNERS: The overall women’s champions at the Gisborne
East Coast Veterans Open tournament held on Poverty Bay’s Awapuni
Links course this week were (from left) Agnes Han (of Paraparaumu
Beach, gross), Viv Bell (Poverty Bay, stableford) and Caren Van Der
Meys (Mount Maunganui, nett).


Open Champion –             B. Ross

2nd Group Champion      T. Louisson

3rd Group Champion       D. Fraser

4th Group Champion       M. Browne

5th Group Champion         R. Kane

6th Group Champion         B. Cox

7th Group Champion         R. Skiffington

8th Group Champion         R. Murphy

9th Group Champion         A. Bates


Gross winner                        A. Han

Nett winner                          C. Van Der Meys

Stb  winner                           V. Bell

Nine hole Champ              J. Alderson





Poverty Bay Veterans Open Results 2020


97 players were welcomed to Ngaruawahia for the Summerset Down the Lane sponsored event , who have been the sponsor for the past number of years.  The players enjoyed golf in sunny conditions.

There were also spot prizes generously donated by an anonymous club member.


Ngaruawahia Oct 2020


Whakatane Men Oct 2020Whakatane Women Oct 2020


103 players enjoyed a course in wonderful playing condition.  Especially when we were told that during Covid lockdown, the course suffered an impact of a lightening strike, that had taken out the automatic irrigations system.  The greens staff were manually watering the course. The greens were as slick and tricky as usual.  So full credit to their hard work.  I had fun looking for the local artwork that decorates the course.  So next time you visit – have a hunt for them.

Special thanks also go to Terene, Colin and the team  of volunteers that helped make the 2 day event a great success.

It was lovely to see Pam Holmes, owner of  Maungatapere G.A.S was again a very generous sponsor.  Pam has supported this event for the past 5 years and will be there for us all next year.  It was lovely to hear that she is considered by the local community to be their own “Good Sort” as she is always ready to support and assist.

Sherwood Park


80 players enjoyed a wonderful day of golf. A lot of effort was put in by the staff and volunteers at the club  to make sure we all enjoyed this event.  On day one, the course enabled some great scoring.

Unfortunately, nature intervened, and day two resulted in an early prizegiving.  The greenkeepers were very happy as it was a welcome relief to the dry conditions they have had lately.  The players were happy to receive a voucher for a replacement game of golf and the players that had hired cars, had the cost of the days cart hire held in credit for them.

Brian and Jan Parish won the Peter Butler & Peter Jones memorial trophy.  This was for a Warkworth pair who had the best nett of the tournament.

The tournament  was generously sponsored by:

The Oaks is a small friendly village and the welcoming resident lounge, has plenty of comfy seating for socialising, watching something on the big screen, sharing a game of billiards, or just reading your newspaper with a cup of tea.
As this facility is located in Warkworth, it is extremely handy for a veteran golfer.

The resort facilities include; the indoor pool , a spa and sauna are just perfect for relaxing.  Have fun keeping fit in the gym, or enjoy the peace of the library looking out onto the Oak trees and resident terrace. In addition there are regular trips and outings as well as many village social events


Warkworth Men GrossWarkworth Men NettWarkworth Men StablefordWarkworth Women GrossWarkworth Women NettWarkworth Women Stableford



The players played 3 different formats over the 3 days at Huntly.  This gave everyone a chance at the prizes. A meal was also put on for the Tuesday evening.  Many players commented that they didn’t expect the course to be “the other side of the river”, so it was a new experience for many.    On day three the Huntly Vets joined in with the event of the day as they were also playing for their monthly shield.

Huntly 2020


Photos to come

Rotorua 2020

Turangi 2020

A truely wonderful time was had by the players that attended the two days at Turangi.  Many thanks to Kate Siddells and her band of merry helpers.

On the Tuesday evening prior to the event, Kaye Paulger sponsored a quiz night.  Suzie Laing and her helper(s) hosted the evening; to groans and moans about “how about some golf questions?” as it taxed the brain to think of 1970 movies, songs, NZ history etc..there were some creative answers and lots of laughs.

Wednesday was a day of challenges – the wind blew at “over 100km!” – well maybe not.  But you just about couldn’t stand on some places.  The scores reflect the conditions – that is a polite way of saying they were not too good.  In fact 20 points was average!

John the President; is also the Chef; who provided a wonderful meal after the days play; mains and dessert; it was enjoyed by the players.  The problems of the day just disappeared.

Thursday dawned, no wind – so no excuses for the scores. The course is well worth playing and in great condition, especially the greens.

Full results to come.

Turangi full listTurangi

Wanganui 4 course

A wonderful week enjoyed by 143 golfers from all round the North Island.

To meet the current restriction due to Covid 19, the event was played as 2 tournaments.  Group A and Group B.  No particular criteria other than splitting the field to ensure we could all enjoy the event.  To add interest, an extra field of “team” was added.  Again a random selection of players. This proved very popular.

Group A played at: Rangatira, Marton, Rangitikei and Castlecliffe.

Group B played Marton, Rangatira, Castlecliffe and Rangitikei.

All courses were in great condition and very welcoming.  The Organisors, volunteers, helpers and the club staff worked extremely hard to ensure we all enjoyed out event.  Well Done to them all under difficult conditions.

Special thanks to the great Sponsors of the event.

Jane Winstone Retirement Village were the main sponsor,

supported by:
David Jones Motors, Wanganui
Take It Easy Tours
Specsavers – Wanganui

Group A photos

Group B Winners

Ladies:                  Esther Jiang

Mens 1:                Paddy Edmonds

Mens 2:                Fraser Stewart – but did not get a picture


Wanganui 4 course Group A resultsWanganui 4 course Group b results

Levin 31 Aug - 4 Sept 2020

A wonderful week of playing golf in Levin.

There was a new team hosting this event, with Tony Newling doing a wonderful job of hosting and organising with his team of helpers.  They are keen to improve on what we have and asked all the players to complete a survey in relation to improving. We look forward to seeing what they do for next year.

Everyone enjoyed the course and the condition was superb – I  hope the club members playing club champs on Saturday appreciate them.  Many of the players took to take stunning photos of the snow on the hills whilst playing in sunshine – New Zealand at its best!

The sponsor Joanne Welch of Summerset was very pleased to be able to support the event.

There were 2 Divisions.  50 players.

Men: 1st:Dave Yates,    2nd:Bruce Churchill,    3rd: Pat Carr
Women: 1st: Ann Braithwaite    2nd: Vicky Chen    3rd: Sharon Buchanan

Levin Men 2020Levin Women 2020

Otaki 2020 - the 36th Year of this event.

A wonderful week; very generously sponsored by Fluker Denton Ltd, Chartered Accountants. With some players still unable to attend, due to Covid 19, 2 divisions of mixed pairs matchplay was played in fine weather.  We sincerely thanks Lorraine McLeavey, with her wonderful group at the Otaki Golf Club and the volunteers who helped organised it.  It only rained before or after our games.

The course – as usual – was in great paying condition, with many groups evenly matched and  having to do ‘chip-offs’ to decide the winner.  The finalists in Division 1, played four extra holes to establish the overall winner for the week.  A great effort was put in by Noel and Helen Robertson to fully test Raewyn McMahon and John Mohn and make then earn the win.

Congratulations als; in Division two; for Charmaine and John Fluker, not only did they sponsor the event, worked as volunteers on bar and catering, they played and won their Division. Good work well reward with a win.  For those of you how have worked behind the scenes at golf events, you know how difficult it can be to play well and organise at the same time.

There was a very special moment –  it caused a few tears – when Lorraine McLeavey was presented with a wine and a camellia shrub.  Lorraine had worked in organising the event, whilst experiencing a difficult family illness.  This special moment reflects the commitment that some show to hosting out events and to their clubs.

Well done Otaki — all going well we will be back next year…and bring a friend.


It was wet weather wise, so there were only 19 players.  such a pity for the hard workers that toiled to enable us to have the event.

The Club, in true country hospitality welcomed us in the warmest fashion.

For the “campers” they were treated to mussel fritters and chips to help pass the evening before the game.

After the game, where some hardy soles carried on to play 18 holes, while the rest played only 9; the club put on a lunch to warm us up.


Coromandel Classic

2 glorious days at the Coromandel Classic.

The warm welcome at Tairua set the tone for a good event.  The course was in excellent playing condition and is a course well worth playing again.

Mercury Bay was beautifully presented  and  provided challenges with it greens up to their regular standard.  Due to Covid restriction Level 3, the gallery was the local chickens…

Unfortunately due to the Covid restrictions, players from Auckland were unable to participate.  Northland also were unable to attend as they could not travel due to Auckland’s Level 2 requirements.  They were missed by all of us.

The overall winner of the 2 day Trophy was Graeme Heathcote and Dave Enright, well done.

The sponsor “New World” ensured that all players received a prize.

A wonderful start…….  hopefully we can continue like this for the rest of the year.


Mercury BayTairua - MenTairua - MixedTairua - Women

Central & Sthn Hawkes Bay

Many thanks to the Organisers and the Clubs for the great effort put in by the greens staff, caterers, volunteers and helpers….. The summer conditions have been tough on golf courses. The events all ran smoothly and everyone enjoyed the event.

80 players enjoyed a game under the foreboding glare of Covid 19.  No touching the golf sticks or others equipment, spacing in the club house too.

We were not to know that this would be the final event before our winter close.


A very small field we treated to a wonderful course. Magnificent greens and lush fairways……. it was a real novelty for the players who have been playing on dry courses.  Ryman, who also sponsor our Nationals, were very generous in the Sponsorship.  Maureen Johnson was there to give out the prizes, she was a familiar face to the golfing vets, as she was with Rymans at Wanganui for may years, and was a regular sponsor for over 10 years.

Hastings 2020


46 players enjoyed the 4 days at Carterton, which was basically a stableford event.  However to keep everyone interested their were daily prizes, given on the format of the day.  Day 1 – best Stableford in each Division, Day 2 – Combined hidden partners, this was fun, as you had a card drawn and matched with another, after the game…  Day 3, Drawn partners  and you played with them on the day.  Day 4 Drawn Mixed partners combined…

Their were the Golf Encounters lucky draws: Alex McDonald, Jim Harris (who did a wonderful job organising the event) Wayne Taylor (who ran the daily raffles)  I couldn’t have worked out any better.

Carterton 2020


Ngaruawahia 2020

Hawkes Bay

Hawkes Bay 2020

Mount Maunganui

124 Players enjoyed a very professionally organised event at Mount Maunganui.  Sandy from Ocean Shores, as the main sponsor, presented the major prize winners with their trophies and vouchers.

Each day, due to the generous sponsorship from a local Winery and Vineyard, players received a wide variety of wines.  Elliotts Funeral Directors ensured each player received a starter pack.  There were also 8 lucky draws courtesy og Golf Encounters.

Mt Maunganui 2020 tournament report


64 players enjoyed match-play in 2 divisions.  Generous sponsorship from Pam from Radius Care ensured some wonderful prizes, they have been a regular sponsor of this event and will be there next year.
The green-keeper, Rob, turned out a very playable course, in-spite of the dry. The 9 holers ensured that we all were treated to cheese and local home made chutney at the turn.

The course was dry, however, we did get some rain on our no-play day..  the tinge of green was a wonderful sight. Monday night, meet and greet, was very generously catered by Aorangi Salmon. The meal on Thursday evening was wonderful, they certainly have a great caterer.


Northland 3 course

Three wonderful days in Northland. Laughter and friendship was certainly the theme. The courses were tough, due to the very dry season that the whole of the North Island is encountering. Yet, the green staff had presented each course in a playable condition. Day one at Northern Wairoa (Dargaville) set a high standard for the following games at Sherwood and Whangarei. Each course had it own unique character, making you think on each hole. This event reaffirmed it name of being the “friendly’ games.


Ladies Pairs –    1st Raewyn MacMahon (Ngahinepouri) & Rachel Yoo (Paeroa), 2nd Sandra Payne (Flexiclub) & Julia Kuggeleijn (Cambridge), 3rd Lesley Sutherland (Omokoroa) & Jessie Savage (Omokoroa)
Men’s Pairs  –   1st Mark Benjamin (Gulf Harbour) & Benjamin Shim (Paeroa), 2nd Hugh Moleta (Omokoroa) & Hap Sutherland (Omokoroa) and 3rd Marcus Annan (Omokoroa) and Hugh Clark (Omokoroa)
124 players enjoyed this popular event.  The course was present in wonderful condition, thanks to the great work put in by the staff and volunteers.
The meal was a great success and comment about being “well fed’ was a common theme.


A great field played in sunny, to hot conditions, with strong breezes to keep you a bit cooler.  Special thanks have to go Miro and his team that organised the event.  Especially Theresa, as usual, made sure that everything ran smoothly and is always ready with a great answer to any comment or question asked… her humour, when she worked the bar, was appreciated after a hot day…

The players had a great competition, with 2 divisions of men.  Div 1 had 8 single figure players, so that generated a fun informal competition among them. The women had the option to play on, two or all three days.  The course was presented, as always, in great condition, the fairway watering provided green grass to play from.

The sponsor, David Gardiner, from  “The landing Motel” has had a long relationship with the club and Vets event and said he would continue to sponsor in the future.  I know a few players stayed at the Landings and enjoyed their stay.

New World provided the raffle prize of the biggest hamper I had seen in quite a while, it was won by Diane Morrisey.

The players were treated to a light lunch whilst the prizes were being calculated, the baked ham and salad was very welcome and appreciated.


Whakatane Jan 2020




Results was last modified: March 12th, 2025 by Antony

2019 Nationals Rangitikei

Muriwai golfer wins the 2019 Nationals.

Ken Meaden from Muriwai and North Harbour Veterans came out on top of the competitive New Zealand Veterans Golfers Association (NZVGA) men’s National match play competition. The 5-day tournament was held at the undulating, tree lined, parkland, Rangitikei course in the Whanganui/ Manawatu district of the North Island. The course measures 6,089 meters with most play from the 5,830 meter White tees. The tournament starts on a Monday with a Gross qualifying round with 96 male players occupying 6 groups of 16 for the match play rounds over the following four days.

Evergreen Terry Tapp, 78 years young, once again shot his age with a Gross 72 level par in blustery conditions in the qualifying round which seeds players for the match play. A consistent performer on the veterans circuit following up his good form winning at Mahia the previous week. Loosing players in each match play round go into subsidiary competitions so that all players have competitive matches on all days.

Ken, seeded 3, had match play round wins of 6&5 and 4&2 to reach the semi finals. In a tightly contested match against no 1 seed Terry Tapp, the ever strengthening wind on the back nine proved the deciding factor for the younger player.

The inform Daryl Baird (Manukorihi) beat fancied local favourite Marty Field in the other semi-final.

In the final Daryl looked to have the edge after costly errant drives by Ken at the 6th and 7th. But he bounced back to birdie the 8th, 9th and 10th to get ahead in the match. A further birdie at the into the wind, 171 yard par 3 12th with a tee shot to one foot added pressure in the keen contest. A total of 5 birdies in the 16 holes played of the final was sufficient to get Ken across the finish line.

Next year’s nationals match play event will be held at the Stratford club in Taranaki. The NZVGA has a comprehensive range of events throughout the year all around the North Island for male and female senior golfers. See their website for the 2020 event calendar.

Everyone thoroughly the course and hospitality at Rangitikei golf club.  The rain came down on Tuesday, the rest of the week was fine. On the Tuesday and Thursday the players were treated to a free BBQ, by the ANZ bank, at the half way point, burger, steak or pork…yummmm.

For the ladies,who had the Wendesday off, there was an art and craft exhibition locally, at 155 Dalrymple road Bulls, which wasn’t too far from the golf club. Some people bought their early Christmas gifts from Cecelia Dalrymple, a fine artist with a huge range of her cards with all her paintings on. They enjoyed a cup of tea out in the beautiful country overlooking one of the largest farms around and all her animals.

There are other things to do locally, visit the Bulls museum, walk around the town to get your photo sitting on a big bull and have a few laughs looking at all our signs, the constabull – police, chemist – indispensabull, toilets – relievabull, rubbish bins -response-abull, fire station – extinguishabull. Lots of food options and some fantastic shopping, including destination scullys and intrigue gifts.

Those that attended the tournament dinner on Wednesday had a great night, The club had to get in extra supplies of bubbles and have some cider as well as that seemed a popular drink that was asked for. It was a highlight.  Everyone that attended had a delicious meal and fabulous entertainment from Daniel Waho, who is actually one of our members at Rangitikei. A big thanks to those who made this such a success. There is alot of work behind the scenes and you are all appreciated.

ResultsWomens results 2019 NationalsMonday Trophy Winners

Hawkes Bay

56 players enjoyed a course in great playing condition.

The winners were John Han and June Churchill

Charlies lucky draws went to Anthony Steel, Richard Cullerton and Janet Pincock.


Taupo 2019


This was our 27th annual event, originally run over 4 days, but has been reduced to 3 days for the last 2 years. The event is currently sponsored by Omokoroa Country Estate (Retirement Homes).
Group 1. Lawson Stewart and Claire Stewart (Omokoroa). Shergold Trophy winners.
Group 2. Garry and Sandra Payne (Flexiclub).
Group 3. Gus Gaskin and Neroli Hoskin (Omokoroa)
Group 4. Bob Duckworth (Omokoroa) and Suzanne Lang (Turangi).
Group 5. Brian and Ray Friend ((Kapiti).
Group 6. Rob Mitford-Burgess and Martina Keir (Omokoroa).
Attached is a photo of the Shergold Trophy winners (Lawson and Claire Stewart) receiving their trophy from Ilma Shergold.

Hastings - Bridge Pa

Hastings Vets Open Results


44 players enjoyed a beautiful day at Mahia.  The club were so welcoming, even proving a light meal after the game.

Junior Women winners:  Yvonne Allsworth 66; Brenda Whitehead 76

Senior Women: Irene Roberts 69; r/up Agnus Han 70;

Junior Men; Anthony Steele 62;  r/up Garth Taylor 65

Senior Men: Terry Tapp 66;  Des Chitty 66 r/up on c/back

Charlies lucky draw marie Roberts and John Aitchison

Gisborne - Poverty Bay

2019 GEC Vets Open Winners


Ngaruawahia Oct 2019


Charlies golf tour luck draw winners were: Jenny Shaw; Butler Brown; Miro Cooper.
72 players, 30 women and 42 men from 24 different clubs;a special welcome was made to the visitors from Cromwell. They all enjoyed a windy, yet beautifully presented course. Considering they had cored 2 weeks prior, the greens were true.
There were daily prizes as well as the overall prizes. New World were very generous in their sponsorship of this event, in fact the sponsor, (a non- golfer who has played only a few time prior) played on day 3 and got 26 points….

Whakatane October 2019

Sherwood Park

Sherwood had 97 players from 24 clubs. The regular sponsor G.A.S. Maungatapere was pleased to continue their relationship and was present to present the prizes.
The club has been going for 0 years, this event was the 39th Vets tournament, the first being held in 1981. In 1983 30 clubs were represented and in 1987 there were 144 players in the field.
The best score of 142 still has not been beaten…

Chatlies Golf tour luck draw winners: Bruce Larmer; Mike Xu; Vance Alison and Sue Smith

Sherwood Park Golf Club


Due to the high winds and rain, day 2 was cancelled, it was unsafe for carts and many players were still drying our from the day before. They say golf is a winter sport, however I am sure you will all agree that is is a lot more fun on warm balmy days.

There was a small field, yet those that turned up enjoyed the course and the meal was a pleasant occasion to relax and catch up with one another.

Warkworth Gross - Men's IndividualWarkworth Gross - Women's IndividualWarkworth Net - Men's IndividualWarkworth Net - Women's IndividualWarkworth Stableford - Men's IndividualWarkworth Stableford - Women's Individual


Charlies Golf Tours luck draw winners: Paul Fahy; Frank MGrath; Steve Parkin.

Clarks Beach

Many thanks to the staff and volunteers, especially too for the  sponsor “Wingers@ of Pukekohe for another great event at Clarks Beach.  The players had a course in great playing condition, with a meal on the Monday that was very enjoyable…


The Charlies golf tours luck draws went to Colin Bunn; Jean Tennant; Maggie McMinn and Barry Matthews.

Clarkes Beach Ladies Results 2019Clarkes Beach Mens Results 2019

Rotorua 92nd Annual event

Last year a polar blast went through, on Tuesday, we beat that!  The course was closed, a rare occurrence at Arikapakapa.  84 players represented 35 clubs.  The course was in great playing conditions with lovely greens, and even after the torrential rain on Tuesday, it was wet with only a few puddles…. However the weather, with the cold air and rain combining with the heat of the boiling mud pools with the on the course, made for great viewing.

One Foundation were very generous with their sponsorship and we look forward to it continuing.  The players and volunteers enjoyed a meet and greet on the Monday evening as well as cheese and crackers half way round the course.

The Charlies Golf Tours lucky draws went to: Judy Lewer; Jude McCashin; Neil MacKay and Noel Robertson.

Full results to come



Turangi Golf 2019

Photos and results


Turangi certainly turned on great weather for the 72 of us to play a course that was in wonderful condition.  The President welcomed us all warmly on the morning of the first day.  Suzie and her helpers, provided some pre competition entertainment, by means of a quiz nite on the evening prior.

At the conclusion of the first day, a yummy roast dinner was enjoyed by the players.

Bruce Lewer won a generously donated GPS watch in a raffle.

The Charlies Golf Trip luck draws were won by:  Fran McCarthy, Suzanne Laing, Charles Brown and Anthony Steel.   It was extra special as Fran and Suzie had worked tirelessly on getting the event off the ground ans ensured that everything ran smoothly.

More photos an information will come from the club and I will add when received.




Turangi 2019

Wanganui 4 Course

The Charlies Golf tours luck draw winners were:  Bill Daley, Colin Harrison (donated it back) Jenny Chen, Brian Francis and Lynette Boswell.

Wonderful support from the sponsor from the Jane Winstone villiage – Louisa Cauldwell





42 players enjoyed 4 days of golf, the forecast was not good for the week, however we escaped with wet feet and a few showers.  The course was in great conditions, especially the greens.   Many many thanks to the volunteered who worked to ensure we had a tournament.


Bunnings donated some umbrellas for a lucky draw.  They were won by; Terry Tapp, Margie Rogers, Bruce Lewer and Helen Robertson.


Charlies Golf Tours luck draws went to Karen Tapp and Lynette Gordon

Otaki 2019

Division 1 Winners: Peter Doyle and Lynette Gordon

Division 2 Winners: Tony Cronin and Christine Papps

Stableford: Peter Paurangi and Kay Wall


The course was in wonderful condition, greens were running true.  The weather was good, with some days hot enough to take your jumpers off.  With a small field it was decided to continue with matchplay and a few byes.  The players with byes also had a chance to for a Stableford prize.

Charlies Golf Tours luck draw winners were: Agnes and John Han, Eddie Tulip and Judy Lewer.




There were 17 clubs represented by the 40 players.  The weather made us stay and have an extra cuppa and some of the delicious morning tea, that was generously supplied.  Nothing like home made muffins to start the day.  The rain stopped after everyone had played a couple of holes and it ended up being a great day at golf.

Karen Tapp won the Ladies division, with D Berendt winning the Mens.

The winners of the Charlies Golf Tour towel luck draw  were:   Keith Williams and Sharon Deacon

Coromandel Coast Vets Pairs

80 players started the first of the the NZVGA events after a winter break on the Sunday at Tairua, the weather was looking like it was going to be a hard day at golf, a welcoming fire in the clubhouse made it hard to go to the tee,  however the  sun came thru eventually and we all came in dry.

The generous prize list meant that 50% of the field got a prize,

Monday, day 2, was held at at Mercury Bay , we were presented a dry day, with some great golf being played.  The course was in good condition considering the wet spell we have had.

The winner of the Shield, best overall score from both courses, was Paul Blackburn and Bob Haase.

Daily winners were:

Women pairs winners were Barbara Bradley and Chris Watson

Mens Pairs Stuart King and John Bow

Mixed Peter and Mary Bang


Mercury Bay Women 2019Mercury Bay Mixed 2019Mercury Bay Men 2019

Waipa Veterans Classic - Te Awamutu


TeAwamutu Item 2019

Item from the Waipa Post June 4 2019

Waipa Veteran Classic - Te Awamutu 2019


Riverside 2019

Kapiti Coast Classic


This was a very special event in many ways.  38 clubs were represented.

We had a visit from “SPUD” Terry Murphy, who made a special trip to catch up and have a drink with us all.  (Scroll in to see him near the bright blue shirt)  Also, Paul Hollows (Wainui) got a hole in one on the 14th at Waikanae.

The Charlies golf tours lucky draws went to: Raewyn McMahon; Paul Hollows (lucky day!) Rose Braid, Alan Chapman and Sue Martin.

Kapiti Coast Classic 2019

Levin 12 x 12

What a great fun format of matchplay………. 12 holes, lunch, 12 holes.  Same again day 2…  The weather held off, so we played in sunshine. The course was in lovely condition, the hospitality was great.

Although the numbers were small, many players said they would return next year.

Generous club sponsorship by Summerset enabled every player to get a prize.  Joanne Welch was there to present the prizes and represented Summerset.

Charlies Golf Tours provided 3 towels as a lucky draw.

Taranaki 4 course

This was the twelfth year the tournament has been run.

We had 132 players from 51 North Island courses
and one South Island course (Tulip) from the Avondale Golf Club in Christchurch. The North Island clubs were spread from Waitangi in the north to Lower Hutt in the south, and east to the Mahia, in the Hawkes Bay.

The field comprised 132 players (66 couples) each day, plus the volunteers at each of the four clubs.

Once again I wish to thank you and the “Summerset Team” for their support and generosity of the Taranaki Seniors 4 Day 4 Course Tournament.   The polo shirts that Sally and Rodney wore, promoting the sponsor was a great idea. Leonie Davies from Summerset Mountain View was there to present the winner with their prize.

Four days of fine weather, pretty windy days 2 and 3.  Great to get the visit from the cow at Kaitaki.  New players are always welcome!!

The Charlies Golf Tour bags went to Doug Grantham; Carl Adlam; Paddy Keegan; Susan Miles; Diane Hughes, Barbara Chitty.

Taranaki 4 course results 2019Taranaki event list of clubs represented 2019


Manukorihi 2019

North Harbour

Mount Maunganui

Mount Maunganui 2019


The winners of the Charlies Golf Tour lucky draw were: Bruce Churchill; Jim Basset; Pat Carr; Marie Van Praag

Waitara 2019


Charlies Golf tours Mystery prize winners: Peter Chatfield, Jenny O’Dwyer, Bob Hoggard (Bob turned 90 a couple of weeks ago)

Waihi 2019


Winners of the Charlies Golf Tour lucky draws were; Mike Walsh; Norman Lofthouse; Alban Reid.

The players enjoyed the Monday off, due to the rain……..real rain…it poured! So some slept, some read, some played cards or pool, it was wonderful. Then rest of the week they were treated to great playing conditions.  Another highlight was the magnificent potluck dinner on the Thursday evening. Well done to all. This event is definitely a good lead into the hosting the nationals next year.



Central & Southern Hawkes Bay

The Charlies Golf Tours luck draw winners were:  Shirley Colnes, Ron Fletcher, Rex Omundsen and Keith Roberts.


The players sent a message to “Spud” , to let him know that they were thinking of him………..  and missing his humour!   Thanks to Chris Paskin, for the photo taken when he delivered our messages.


C & Sthn Hawkes Bay 2019

Wanganui 2 course

Results Wanganui 2 course


L to R : Chris Waugh, Grant Smith, Keith Hickman, Jenny Harris.

The Carterton Vets 4 day tournament was held on the 18th to 22nd March with Wednesday being a rest day.  Our car park was a literal buzz of activity with many motor homes and caravans arriving for the tournament and staying on site.   A field of 75 players took part over the 4 days with some joining in with our twilight golfers on Wednesday night as well.                                                        Each day there was a prize giving for the day’s results and the stablefords for each day were totalled for the week with the overall winners of the tournament being announced on the final day.

The winners were:

Men’s Div 1: Grant Smith. Div 2: Keith Hickman.

Ladies Div 1: Chris Waugh. Div 2: Jenny Harris

This being my second year playing in this tournament I have enjoyed the friendly atmosphere amongst fellow players and I looked forward to playing each day, I encourage all Vet golfers to come along next year.

A fantastic well run event, many thanks to Lindsay Sutton , Jim Harris, Alex MacDonald, Bob Walker, Janet Pincock and all the Carterton Vets involved.

The Charlies Golf Tours luck draw winners were:  Wayne Taylor, Sue Fauke, Brian Rose and Jeff Fauke.


Ngaruawahia March 2019

The winners of the Mixed pairs; John and Heather Houston, Sponsor Beth Richards, Pellows Funeral Directors, and  the Mens pairs winner; Barry Gilling and Morris Frankhouser.


The winners of the Charlies Golf tours luck draws were Diane Sutherland, Pleasant Point; John Houston, Waihi and Bryre Hutchins, Ngaruawahia.

Jenny Chen had hers name drawn and generously re-donated his prize back as he had won one at another event.

Ngaruawahia Mar 2019

Bay of Islands, Kerikeri

64 players enjoyed matchplay in the winterless North, missing the cyclone and the rain.

The Charlies Golf Tours lucky draws went to Laurel Flattery; Ray Glogoski;Anne Nunn, Chris Waugh.  @ players donated back their prize, as they had won before.. thanks to Garth Taylor and Don Campbell for their generosity.

Here are all the other ‘winners’

Northland 3 course- Northern Wairoa, Sherwood, Whangarei

The 2019 NVGA 3 course, 3day Tournament winners are:

Women’s Best Gross Robyn Mulholland (004)
Women’s Best Nett Elaine Magill (006)
Women’s Best Stableford Kay Gooch (008)

Men’s Best Gross Div 1 Leith Whatmough (010)
Men’s Best Nett Div 1 Don Campbell (011)
Men’s Best Stableford Div 1 Dallas Campbell (012)

Men’s Best Gross Div 2 Barry Jessop (014)
Men’s Best Nett Div 2 Rex Bezar (017)
Men’s Best Stableford Div 2 Warwick Randonich (019)

The Best Team – The BeeTees (021)
Rex and Cherie Bezar & Garth and Karen Taylor


Winners of the Charlies Lucky draw were; Mark Briggs, Mangawhai; Karen Taylor, Horsham Downs; Trevor Bush, Northland, Grant Kay, Northern Wairoa; Paul Hollows, Wainui; Marilym Bresneham, Waipu.


134 players enjoyed a great event at Omokoroa. Players from all over the country enjoyed good playing conditions and great hospitality.
Attached are photos of the winning pairs:
Men – Bruce Churchill (Linton Camp) & Moray Sutherland (Pleasant Point),
Ladies – Diana Price & Gail Nicholls (both Omokoroa)


Charlies Golf tours Luck draw winners………..

Leigh Virtue, Glen Guy, Barry Smith.

Towels: Kevin Southee, Peter Spurway

The winners of the golf are:

Men’s. Div 1. Div 2
Best Gross. Andrew Markman Derek Percy
Best Nett. Kevin Southee. Robin McGhie
Best Stableford. Terry Kay. Mike Lack

Best Stableford. 1st. Margaret Nelson
2nd. Faye Lack
3rd. Marilyn Harrison

The generous Sponsor was Property Brokers; photographed with the winners:  Derek Percy, Margaret Nelson, Andrew Markman, Mike Lack……….  well done to everyone.

Results from 30th annual Taumarunui senior golf tournament. 6-7-8th Feb. 2019.

Best Gross Combined over 3 days.

DIV 1. Andrew Markman. (Mt. Maunganui)  R/UP. Peter Rankin. [Manor Park]

DIV.2 Derek Percy. [Taumarunui]. R/UP. Alan Brown. [Taumarunui].

Best Nett Combined over 3 days

DIV.1  Kevin Southee,  [Fitzroy] R/UP. Kevin Smith [Omokoroa].

Div. 2. Winner: Robin McGhie. [Te Awamutu] R/UP. Peter Gault. [Riverside].  Stableford 3 days combined.

DIV.1 Terry Kay [Taumarunui]. R/UP. Leigh virtue. [Taumarunui].

DIV.2 Winner: Michael Lack. [Hukanui]. R/UP. Richard Cullerton. [Waihi].

Ladies Combines Stableford over 3 days

Winner : Margaret Nelson.  [Taumarunui]. R/UP. Faye Lack. [Hukanui]

Whakatane 2019

112 players enjoyed a course that was presented in wonderful condition.  The greens held their lines and the ‘bounce’ created some interesting landing locations. The work of everyone involved was greatly appreciated.   Whilst the weather was very hot and humid everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. The main sponsor 37 The Landing Motel was more than pleased to be supporting this event.

Jack Crew was the oldest competitor at 94 played all three days !! Congratulation Jack……see you next year.

The Charlies Golf Tours lucky draws were won by: Dennis Allan, Ohope;  Ray Lord, Riverside;  Bob Thompson, Whakatane;  Cam Gribben, Royal Auckland & Grange;  Kaiwhata Kingi, Whakatane;  Terry Tapp, Clarks Beach.

Whakatane men 2019Whakatane women 2019


Auckland 2019




Results was last modified: March 12th, 2025 by Antony

Rotorua (Arikikapakapa)

91st Annual Rotorua Veteran’s Tournament held at the Rotorua Golf Club on 24th, 25th and 26th September 2018.  73 Veterans from 28 different golf clubs played over the three days in wide ranging conditions. Another successful Annual Rotorua 3 Day Veterans Golf Tournament.

Mary Brown and James Comber, along with the other volunteers hosted another great event.

The NZ Veterans Cup was keenly contested for with Daniel Ko of Omokoroa coming out the winner and defending the title from last year over Peter Rankin of Manor Park.  Peter was the lowest handicapper and was therefore giving Daniel 5 or 6 strokes and he as you can imagine had to be on the top ofhis game. With gross scores of 71 and 72 on the first two days Peter was playing top golf.

The results were:-

Men’s Results 

Group 1 (N.Z. Veterans Cup) Winner: Daniel Ko (Omokoroa) Runner Up: Peter Rankin (Manor Park) Flight 1 Winner: Allen Sarjant (Waihi), Flight 2 Winner : Yasuku Tanaka (Lake View),  Flight 3 Winner (Chris Robinson (Auckland Police).

Group 2 (Arikikapakapa Cup) Winner: Melton Hows (Lake View), Runner Up: Peter Barnes (Rotorua), Flight 1 Winner: Garry Kelsall (Lake View), Flight 2 Winner: Joshua Yang (Lake View), Flight 3 Winner: Don Campbell (Cambridge)

Group 3 (Consolation Cup) Winner: Geoff Robinson (Te Puke), Runner Up: Charles Brown (Tapora), Flight 1 Winner: Ian Hayes (Rotorua), Flight 2 Winner: Robert Giles (Rangitikei), Flight 3 Winner: Ole Iversen (Mangawhai)

Group 4 (Bob Bishop Cup)Winner: Paul Renall (Lake View), Runner Up: Kevin Allen (Rotorua), Flight 1 Winner: Noel Robertson (Riverside), Flight 2 Winner: Kevin Laird (Rangitikei) Flight 3 Winner: John Hansen (Cambridge)

Group 5 Winner: Brian Duncan (Tirau), Runner Up: Roy Whittington (Rotorua), Flight 1 Winner: Neil MacKay (Whangarei), Flight 2 Winner: Bill Holt (Hauraki), Flight 3 Winner: Ross Brydon (Hauraki)

Group 6 Winner: Mike Lack (Pukenui), Runner Up: Alby Bron (Castlecliff), Flight 1 Winner: Jack Campbell (Waipu), Flight 2 Winner: Patrick Carr (Westown),Flight 3 Winner: Barry Thom (Springfield).

Group 7: Winner – Bob Langford (The Pines) and Runner Up: Garth Taylor (Horsham Downs).

 Ladies Results 

Group 1 (Spicer’s Cup) Winner: Jude McCashin (Lake View), Runner Up: Raewyn McMahon (Ngahinepouri), Flight 1 Winner: Helen Robertson (Riverside), Flight 2 Winner: Marilyn Field (Rotorua), Flight 3 Winner: Gloria Mayes (Rotorua).

Group 2 Winner: Karen Taylor (Horsham Downs), Runner Up: Cherie Bezer (Ngahinepuri), Flight 1 Winner: Karen Tapp (Clarks Beach), Flight 2 Winner: Sayuri Gotz (Rotorua), Flight 3 Winner: Susan Atkinson (Lake View)

Group 3 Winner: Karen Chard (Rotorua) Flight 1 Winner: Faye Lack (Hukanui), Flight 2 Winner: Maggie McMinn (Castlecliff), Flight 3 Winner: Reina Mellar (Ngahinepouri).

The visitors really enjoyed the 3 days although the weather was pretty hard going on Tuesday. There were a number of games that went to the wire which was great to see.

John Mohn loved playing at Springfield (Rotorua) on 20th Sept 2018

His first official  “Hole In One”, John did have a “Claytons” one, some time ago!


Wanganui 4 course

Tournament played on 4 great courses, weather fine every day, 114 golfers participated.
Mens Div 1
1 Paddy Edmonds (Castlecliff) 158, 2 Colin Vincent (Riverside) 156, 3 Terry Tapp ( Clarks Beach) 150, 4 Geoff Ingram (Rangitikei) 148, 5 Peter Cox (Wanganui) 138, 6 Peter Greer (Kaitake) 137, 7 Aaron Chen (Whitford Park) 137, 8 Richard Berendt (Paeroa) 135

Mens Div 2
1 Neale Pearson (Te Ngutu) 146, 2 Daniel Scotson (Rangitikei) 144, 3 Alban Read (Kaitake) 140, 4 Don Atkinson (Castlecliff) 139, 5 Ken Read (Castlecliff) 139, 6 Harvey Round (Wanganui) 138, 7 Wayne Pedley (Wanganui) 136, 8 Bruce Churchill (Linton Camp) 135

Mens Div 3
1 Bob Jenkins (Castlecliff) 148, 2 Trevor Schroder (Feilding) 142, 3 Bob Black (Waverley)139, 4 Neville Berendt (Rangitikei) 139, 5 Tom Johns (Castlecliff) 137, 6 Nevill Jordan (Waverley) 137, 7 Gary Clark (Castlecliff) 136, 8 Peter Spurway (Westown) 136

womens Div 1
1 Linda McAlister (Castlecliff) 148, 2 Anne Braithwaite (Te Ngutu) 139, 3 Marilyn Harrison (Cambridge) 137, 4 Sharon Souness (Wanganui) 133, 5 Helen Beaurepaire (Kaitake) 130,
6 Pat Gard (Waipawa) 128

Womens Div 2
1 Aven Schroder (Feilding) 150, 2 Pam Charlesworth ((Hawkestone) 139, 3 Jenny Chen (Whitford Park) 135, 4 June Churchill (Linton Camp) 133, 5 Edith Leary (Rangitikei) 132, 6 Maggie McMinn (Castlecliff) 128

Otaki 27-31 August 2018

A wonderful week at Otaki, saw some interesting matches in this mixed pairs matchplay event.  There were 2 Divisions competing.

The very generous sponsorship from Fluker Denton Ltd, Chartered Accountants, Levin saw the majority of players taking home a prize.

On the Tuesday evening the players had a fun evening with a quiz night raising funds for Junior Golf, this followed a great meal.

The course was in wonderful conditions, with greens that were up to their normal high standard.

Our Official Results are:

Division 1:     Winners  –  Fiona McBride & Geoff Fenwick  –  Otaki

Runners – up  –  Helen Beaurepaire  –  Kaitake  &  Peter Doyle  –  Otaki

Division 2:     Winners  –  Lorraine McLeavey & Neill MacInnes  –  Otaki

Runners – up:   Christine Papps  &  Tony Cronin  –  Otaki

Coromandel Coast Vets Pairs Classic


Ladies Pairs  1st. Jan Strang and Wendy Franks (Te Puke). 2nd.  Robyn Anderson and Jandy Morton(Mercury Bay)

Mixed Pairs.   1st.  Julie Day and Bruce Crawford. (Tairua).  2nd. Paul and Carol Hollows. (Wainui and Whangamata)

Men’s Pairs.  1st. Ken George and Graham Eccles(Mercury Bay).  2nd.  Jeffrey Dixon and Rod Stewart(Mercury Bay)

Overall winners.     Paul Petley and Ken Edwards (Tairua)

33rd Riverside Pairs

33rd Riverside Pairs

Sherwood Park Teams Day

A field of 76 mixed vets enjoyed perfect weather, playing best of three out of four stablefords in teams of four.

1st on 122 pts: Jeannie Allen, Marie Walker,
Linda Garner, Robyn Mulholland

2nd on 120 pts: Derek Trigg, Gordon Campbell,
Robbie Brydon, Blue Mauchline

3rd on 119 pts: Ronnie West,Coleen West,
Heather Herman, John Nightingale.

7 teams were prizewinners and there were 7 ‘twos’.

5 prizes also went to nearest the pins and accuracy drive.

North Harbour

Mens Div 1

Keith Benson                     Muriwai

John Sadgrove                  Wainui

Andrew Robertson         North Shore

Mens Div 2

John Mohn                         Riverside

Kevin Hopkinson              Helensville

Owen Young                      Waitemata


Glenda Giddy                    Wainui

Cath Matthews                 Wainui

Raewyn MacMahon       Ngahinepouri


Manukorihi 2018


Hole in One –   Kevin Southee

Waihi 2018

Wanganui 2 Course

Wanganui 2 course results


68 players enjoyed Waitara in a variety of playing conditions.

Waitara Winners 2018

Stratford 3 - 7 April 2018

Stratford 2018

Levin Vets Open

Mt Maunganui

118 players enjoyed a very successful event.

Mt Maunganui photos

Northland 28 Feb - 2 Mar-2018

Northland 28 Feb - 2 Mar 2018 results

Northland 3 day

Over 140 players played 3 courses: Northern Wairoa, Sherwood and Mt Denby.

Northland 3 day


Omokoroa – 144 players in a fun Nett pairs event.

Cups being presented by Jan Corbett from the sponsor Bob Owens Retirement Village.Winning pairs:
Men – Jonathan Lewis and Mark Middleton
Women – Sue Bigham and Judy Lewer

Whakatane Feb

Whakatane Feb 2018




Results was last modified: March 12th, 2025 by Antony